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Does Singapore Airlines fly through a danger zone? A former pilot explains Achi-News

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The Singapore Airlines flight was diverted to Bangkok for an emergency landing. (representative picture)

A former pilot has stated that a Singapore Airlines flight may have entered the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ICZ) during the severe storm.

A Singapore Airlines flight from London to Singapore made headlines after it encountered a severe storm that led to a sudden takeoff and descent within minutes. Tragically, one British passenger lost his life during this incident, while at least 60 others were injured. The malfunction occurred about 10 hours into the journey over the Irrawaddy Basin in Myanmar, an area known for challenging weather conditions. The flight was diverted to Bangkok for an emergency landing after the vortex hit.

Meanwhile, a former pilot believed the plane could have entered the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ICZ) a few days after the accident. In most cases, pilots avoid this area, said Marco Chan, a former pilot. But sometimes they have to use it because the alternative routes are limited, he added. Chan claimed that the ICZ around the Bay of Bengal is known among aviation professionals to cause turbulence.

According to the Guardian, Chan explained, “With turbulence of this magnitude, it is likely that the flight passed through severe thunderstorms. The incident occurred within the Intertropical Convergence Zone, where thunderstorms are notorious. Thunderstorms are prominently displayed on the pilots’ navigation display, but may not It will be possible to completely bypass the storm cluster as they can extend over 50 nautical miles.”

Stuart Fox, director of flight and technical operations at the International Air Transport Association (IATA), stated that there are no visible signs to identify clear air turbulence as it can only be predicted by weather forecasts that identify air flow into the mountains. He emphasized that the strength and direction of the air flow can change rapidly, causing the wind to unexpectedly divert the aircraft’s path, a rapid loss of altitude or sudden shocks. Pilots could receive guidance from reports from aircraft ahead of them, helping them navigate such areas. Fox also mentioned that IATA has a platform where different airlines share data that allows pilots to get instant information about storms on their route.

A flight usually takes about 13 hours to travel from London to Singapore. It rises over Europe, Central Asia as well as northern India and then takes a direction towards Myanmar and finally the Gulf of Thailand where it lands. According to the airline, 211 passengers with 18 crew members were on board when the storm hit and the flight was at an altitude of 37,000 feet above the Irrawaddy River Basin which is mostly in Myanmar.


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