HomeBusinessDiscussions for the future of Africville underway Achi-News

Discussions for the future of Africville underway Achi-News

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The long-term vision for Africville at the north end of Halifax will be the subject of discussion at upcoming public engagement sessions – something people with close ties to the land have already given considerable thought to.

Juanita Peters, executive director of the Africville Museum, says she would like to see something that will help extend the community’s story.

“There are all kinds of possibilities in terms of, years ago, we had a conversation with the Atlantic Museum about creating something on that piece of land that told a bit of the story of the water, and the story of the Titanic, the story of an Explosion Halifax,” said Peters.

“So, there are so many possibilities and if you don’t already know, we like to collaborate a lot with other organizations and hear their ideas of what that could be. The possibilities are endless.”

Peters said discussions about what to do with the Africville marina area are already underway.

“We are currently in the process of creating the feasibility study. We are looking at having a sailing school there, but not just a sailing school,” he said.

“A sailing school that brings in people who wouldn’t traditionally be able to learn how to sail. Bringing in the partners that would help that happen and then all the other things that go together take him.”

Plans are also being discussed for interpretation centers in the future.

“So, when the apology was first made in 2010, it was said that the church would be rebuilt on the land and the interpretation centre. So, it’s been a long time since we revisited that plan , but now we’re going back to it and saying, ‘What do people want today? What would that interpretation center look like?'”

At the moment, public transport does not travel to Africville, which is part of the discussions that are being held about the future of the community.

“If you don’t have a vehicle, there’s no way to get there. You can walk, but it’s a very dangerous journey because there’s no sidewalk. You know, we’ve been asking for active transportation for quite some time and.” .. One of the things that came up in 2018 is HRM was looking at cycling and walking routes,” said Peters.

“Can you imagine a cycle/walking path that would take you from Africville to Pier 21. And we said, ‘Oh my goodness. That would be something I think people would be very excited about. ‘ But we really need real transport to the site.”

As the summer months approach, Peters says Africville’s tourism numbers are starting to increase – something that has already started this year.

“The sun came out and people started coming in droves. We get a lot of school groups of course. But we get a lot of people from all over the world and my first question is, “How did you hear about us? How do you know about us?” Peters explained.

“And it’s very interesting to see how the story of Africville and African Nova Scotians has traveled the world through various ways, and people are looking for their connections, looking to hear more about the story.”

Peters says the unique thing about the Africville Museum is its “living history.”

“So the Africville kids are in their 70s and 80s and they’re often on site. So, if you have a tour booked, we can bring them in specifically for that. But they they bring a level of history that you can only do. They talk about their life growing up in Africville, what they did as children.

“But we also have a brand new audio tour, a walking audio tour … people can come, they use their phone and QR code in the park and listen to the tour, which is narrated by former resident Paula Grant Smith and she leads. you through the park to specific areas.”

According to Peters, Africville also saw an increase in cruise ship visitors last year.

“Because we were actually on site. The port actually gave us space with our exhibition down there and so people hear about our story, they come and visit. As a matter of fact, there group that came from Africatown in Mobile, Ala., and their story was fascinating.”

Africville was settled in the 1800s as a home for African-Nova Scots in the north end of Halifax and grew into a tight-knit community before residents were evicted and it was demolished by the city in the 1960s.

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