HomeBusinessDalsa warned against abusing drugs by playing on the street. Dalsa...

Dalsa warned against abusing drugs by playing on the street. Dalsa warned against drug addiction by playing on the street – Dhanbad News Achi-News

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Dhanbad Under the Vatsalya scheme which is being run in the district on the instructions of the Chief District and Sessions Judge, a street play was organized on the premises of Dhanbad Railway Station and Randhir Verma Chowk on Wednesday. On this occasion, under Judge cum Secretary District Legal Services Authority Rakesh Rosh


In this series, street plays were organized in two places today. Before this, two children were rescued from the station premises and arrangements were made for their treatment and proper education. The main objective of this scheme is to improve the lives of children under the age of 18 who are addicted to drugs by making them aware and bringing them into the mainstream. Under this, Dalsa works continuously in collaboration with CWC, Child Helpline. The judge directed the CWC to take continuous steps to bring drug-addicted children into the mainstream. Arrangements should be made for the proper education and care of the child. The project members were CWC Chairman Uttam Mukherjee, DCPO Sadhna Kumari, NGO members Maheshwar Ravani, PLV Chandan Kumar, Ajit Kumar Das, CWC members Mamta Arora, Sita Kumari, Ashraf Alam etc.


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