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Condolence meeting for Dr. Raisi, others Achi-News

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Karachi: A condolence meeting was held at the Cultural Center of the Islamic Republic of Iran Karachi on the occasion of the martyrdom of Ayatollah Syed Ibrahim Raisi and his companions, a press release said.
On the occasion of the tragic martyrdom of the President of Iran, Ayatollah Dr. Saeed Ebrahim Raisi, Imam of the Friday prayer in Tabriz, Ayatollah Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdullahian, Governor of East Azerbaijan Dr. Malik Rahmati, who is in charge of the security of the President of Iran General Mehdi Mousavi, and the rest of their companions in a helicopter crash, a condolence meeting was organized by the Cultural Center of the Islamic Republic of Iran Karachi.
Dr. Miraj Al Huda Siddiqui, one of the senior leaders of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan, the famous Shia scholar Allama Syed Razi Jaafar Naqvi, Secretary General of the Shia Council Ulma Allama Shabir Maitami, the Secretary General of the Editors’ Bureau High Court Justice, Sarfaraz Ali Matlo, President of Zakreen-e-Imamia Pakistan Alma Nisar Ahmed Qalandari, Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies, University of Karachi, Prof. Dr. Zahad Ali Zahidi, including a large number of Shia and Sunni scholars, leaders of political parties Religionists and personalities from various walks of life participated in this condolence meeting, to honor Said Ebrahim Raisi and his tortured friends.
During the condolence gathering, the Urdu translation of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei’s special message regarding the martyrdom of Ayatollah Seyed Ibrahim Raisi and his companions was also read. Professor Dr. Jawad Hashmi, renowned religious scholar and professor from the Department of Islamic Studies, University of Karachi presided over the condolence meeting.
Dr. Marajul Huda Siddiqui, said in his speech that the entire Islamic world mourns the martyrdom of Ayatollah Dr. Saeed Ibrahim Raisi and his friends, that the martyrdom of the President of Iran and his friends is a great and great loss. A tragedy for the Islamic world.
Dr. Marajul Huda Siddiqui said that Ayatollah Syed Ibrahim Raisi spoke fearlessly and bravely against the despotic powers of the world on the occasion of his visit to Pakistan, in Karachi. Dr. Syed Ibrahim Raisi had the courage to challenge arrogant regimes. He said that all eyes of hope of the Muslim nation are still on Iran. According to him, those people who once tried to become great heroes in the Islamic world, were swept away in the storm of the Al-Aqsa operation and only the supporters of humanity and freedom stood up.
He said that we, the nation of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, fully share in the grief of our brother country Iran. He pointed to Imam Khamenei’s message about this great tragedy and said that this system does not depend on individuals, so it will continue and move forward against oppression and lies. We hope that just as Imam Khomeini united the nation, in the same way today under the leadership of Imam Khomeini, this nation will move forward and challenge the colonial powers.
Dr. Marajul Huda Siddiqui while expressing his views said that God willing, we will all see the dream of Dr. Saeed Ibrahim Raisi come true that Al-Aqsa and Palestine will be free and Zionism will be destroyed along with the illegal Israeli regime. Dr. Marajul Huda Siddiqui said that since 1979, Iran has been the real leader of the Islamic world. The Muslim nation has been truly guided and led by Iran since the success of the Islamic revolution. He said that only Iran stood against what happened in Gaza after October 7.
Alma Razi Jafar Naqvi, head of the Jafariya Alliance Pakistan, said that Ayatollah Syed Ibrahim Raisi was a great student in the school of Imam Khomeini and a worthy leader of the Iranian nation. He said that during his visit to Pakistan, Ayatollah Saeed Ibrahim Raisi delivered courageous speeches without fear of satanic forces, because the teachings of Imam Khomeini, the great leader of the Islamic revolution, were firmly rooted in his soul. He said that the strongest voice against Israeli aggression in Palestine was raised by the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The guests who attended the condolence meeting also recorded their impressions of the tragic tragedy in the condolence book kept at Khana Farhang.


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