HomeBusinessCompensation required for two ex-employees of SECL. Compensation wanted for two...

Compensation required for two ex-employees of SECL. Compensation wanted for two former SECL employees – Raigarh News Achi-News

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Achi news desk-

Due4 hours ago

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Then on April 19, two workers died due to drowning in the Barao mine. The workers’ union demanded a compensation of 50 lakh each to the families of the deceased. The union said workers Umakant Yadav and Nehru Ram Chauhan tried to save another man and colleague Pratap Singh from drowning in the old earth pit inside the Barao mine. Both died due to drowning. His dependents should be given compensation of 50 lakhs each. The two workers died while trying to save their colleagues from drowning inside the mine.


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