HomeBusinessClaim: 63 pools out of 74 have been completed, reality: pits have...

Claim: 63 pools out of 74 have been completed, reality: pits have been dug and left Claim: 63 pools out of 74 completed, reality: left after digging pits – Buster News Achi-News

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Amrit Shrubber, which was built as part of the dream project of the central government in the district, is in a dilapidated condition. 74 lakes were approved in 2022. Later 12 more were approved. The Amrit Sarovar mission was launched on April 24, 2022 with the aim of saving water for the future.

The aim of the mission was to revive 75 Amrit Sarovar (ponds) in every district of the country, but in Dantwada, named Amrit Sarovar, they gave the shape of a pond by digging pits only and making mounds of earth around it. them. Most of the disturbances were done in Naxal areas in the district named after Amrit Sarovar. In more than 20 panchayats of the district like Badgudra, Parchali, Chikpal, Samali, Mukhpal, in the name of Amrit Sarovar worth Rs 20 lakh, by digging pits alone, the tricolor was hoisted here on the 75th anniversary of independence. Out of the 74 pools, 63 are supposed to be completed by the administration, work on 11 is supposed to be underway, but out of the total 63 pools, the ones that are said to be completed are not complete. In some places the stone was not excavated and in some places it was not excavated according to the standards.

Under MNREGA, these ponds were supposed to be dug by labourers, but this too was not done in the Gram Panchayats of the Naxal area, the ponds were dug by machines and the names of the laborers were included in the recruitment sheet. Saplings of Neem, Peepal, Jackfruit, Jamun, Banyan etc. were to be planted on the banks of Amrit Sarvaras. Flowering plants were also supposed to be planted there. They were also supposed to place benches here and arrange swings for children. The Gram Panchayat was responsible for taking care of them. The flag hoisting is also to be done in all the ponds on August 15.

The Gram Panchayats have been given the target to complete Amrit Sarovar by August 15, 2023, but in the name of completing the target, the Gram Panchayats have withdrawn an amount of 20 lakh each by preparing food supply only. Gram Panchayats wrote all the information about the pool on the sign boards but did not work on it. District Panchayat CEO Kumar Vishwaranjan said there was a mistake in this matter, I will find it out. Information will be received from NREGA branch.


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