HomeBusinessCJI DY Chandrachud; Proposed Cases in India | CJI said...

CJI DY Chandrachud; Proposed Cases in India | CJI said – It is wrong to keep cases without decision: Oral arguments do not matter on hearing after months, even judges forget. Achi-News

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Chief Justice of India (CJI) DY Chandrachud has expressed displeasure over the attitude of judges in holding back court cases for months. During the hearing of a case on Monday (April 8), the CJI said that the judge kept a case for more than 10 months without giving the verdict. It is a matter of concern

Chandrachud said- If the case is heard again after such a long time, then the oral arguments made during the previous hearing do not matter. Judges also forget many things. CJI said that he has written letters to all the High Courts regarding this matter.

He said- After the letter, I saw that many judges only de-reserve the cases, list them and then hold partial hearings. We trust that this is not the trend in most of the High courts of the country.

The CJI-led bench asked the High Court to dispose of the matter expeditiously and re-list the matter for summary hearing first. We understand your burden (High Courts).

CJI said – Lawyers’ comments on court decisions are disturbing.

Earlier, the CJI had said in Pune (April 5) that the judiciary has broad shoulders and can tolerate praise as well as criticism. However, the practice of lawyers commenting on proposed cases and decisions is very worrying.

CJI had arrived at the High Court Bar Association’s centenary celebrations. He said – Members of bar associations and officers should separate themselves from the common man when responding to court decisions. I am deeply troubled by the habit of members of the Bar Association to comment on pending cases and decisions.

First of all, you are an officer of the court. The truth and dignity of our legal discussion is in your hands. The Constitution of India is an inclusive constitution. Its aim is to “bring people from different backgrounds together – butchers, bakers and candle makers.

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