HomeBusinessChhattisgarh Fort Shiv Bhakti Youth Cuts Tongue Video | Young man...

Chhattisgarh Fort Shiv Bhakti Youth Cuts Tongue Video | Young man cuts his tongue in devotion to Shiva, Video: Started chanting mantra by placing it on a stone in the fort, his second wife deaf and mute, said – I have no regrets – Chhattisgarh News Achi-News

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In Anjura in Durg district of Chhattisgarh, a young man, while worshiping Lord Shiva, cut his tongue with a knife. His second wife is deaf, whom he loves very much. Therefore, this is also a given reason. He does not regret this event. The matter is of the Anjura outpost area.

According to the information, Rajeshwar Nishad (37), a resident of Thanaud village.


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