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The American elite and the civil society of the European countries are well aware of the fact that the war on terror imposed by the American government was actually an artificial balloon of the United States, which had a dirty and cruel life from continuous dirty air. propaganda distilled from the spirit of Goebbels Germany and the homeless resources, and which is still alive today Actions are still being taken countries are also well equipped to mobilize protest movements against them as a result of their uncharacteristic misdeeds They feel no remorse in calling the use of force a war on terror or a war-on-terror in the wake of the United States. , even as the freedom movement against foreign domination and killing in Kashmir, Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq and the ongoing armed struggle for the freedom of their homeland is also called terrorism as a war-on-terror.
On July 16, 2008, at the international interfaith conference held in Madrid, the capital of Spain, the former ruler of Saudi Arabia, the late King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, while addressing, very correctly pointed out the fact that extremism and terrorism are techniques designed by the American and Western Countries, which have nothing to do with Islam. If a few misguided people have committed such acts to create hatred against Islam and Muslims, including suicide attacks, then this is their individual thinking and personal actions, it has nothing to do with reality, and it is a very wrong decision to designate such people. as true Muslims or Islamic devotees, etc. A large number of prominent intellectuals and religious leaders from Muslims, Jews, Christians and other religions are participating in the conference This conference was organized under the auspices of the Islamic World, which aimed to spread anti-. Islamic forces against Islam and Muslims, America and Western circles It was to clear up the misunderstanding that was happening.
The importance of this conference can also be estimated from the fact that, in addition to representatives from religions around the world, around 150 journalists are also present at this conference to represent different media. It was clearly analyzed that extremism is the name given to the spontaneous and unjust aggressive occupation of weak and invincible countries by some powerful countries, robbing the people of some countries of their constitutional and legal rights, depriving them of their freedom and seizing their resources. And terrorism cannot be included in any way This is the fight of these nations to get their constitutional and legal rights.
At the end of this speech based on facts, the leaders of all religions, intellectuals, all the participants and observers stood up from their seats and gave a standing ovation, which clearly meant acknowledging these facts, that the explanation and explanation of all these misleading, anti-Islamic materials, publishing and propagating hostile attitudes. their nefarious program “One World One Order” is also a requirement from a common opponent In general, creating an atmosphere of fear, terror and contempt to destroy the movements of Muslim countries and the revival of Islam has become an unreasonable way to achieve the objectives. America and the West leave no stone unturned in fueling their false propaganda day and night to make terrorism, extremism and aggressive behavior of Islam synonymous, while all the international analysts open the reservoir of this lie and admit that this continuous propaganda has nothing to do. with the facts, while his political and economic reasons Aharman Al-Shams.
This opinion and belief also exists to a certain extent that the rich countries that have embraced terrorism, extremism and fundamentalism etc. are doing this as a conspiracy to hide the mourning and protest against the deaths caused by poverty and poverty, poverty and the spread of hunger. to the poverty of the Western powers, It is in their best interest to focus the attention of the United Nations on religious fundamentalism and what is known as terrorism.
The highest level of self-deception would be not to recognize these facts, for American colonialism, to maintain its military strength and superiority and the imaginary threats of the outside world, ie the presence of self-created enemies, as a means to achieve its goals. For using their dominance over these countries, their military power should be considered as punishment for their crime of weakness, in the form of the death penalty. The illegal existence of Israel is like a dagger in the chest of the neighboring Arab and Muslim African countries, to strengthen the absolute dominance of Iraq, the construction of American bases in Bahrain and Kuwait as a more poisonous dagger in the back of all Arabs and nations.
For 11 years, Afghanistan was destroyed brick by brick in order to strengthen its nefarious dominance in order to establish such a powerless government in the presence of permanent American military forces in Afghanistan, of which the entire bloc of Americans, including the Muslim states of Central Asia. , Iran and Pakistan, to Turkey And there should be no threat to the interests of the west and at the same time a strong fence can be established around the two powers of the region, Russia and China, which India is already showing complete surrender to American Interests . From here, due to the origin and end of doubts, conspiracies proceed to destabilize the beloved country, and sometimes rays of light are felt in the middle of the dark and dark clouds of chaos and political unrest in the country like our lamps. of glimmers of hope in the darkness of mutual political differences and lust for power.
The struggle for power has been going on for the past 77 years Under the dictatorial and so-called democratic system of government, the people have used power and authority for years, without consent and forced use and exploitation national resources. end of each era, the defeated rulers tell the nation to destroy national resources and economy. The beginning of the new era is done by the same old faces with new masks that foreign patronage forces and their priorities have always determined. without doubt the priority today is obedience to their masters, and as a result the educated people are quickly leaving the country, dishonored, They struggle to find a home and a living and become agents for their a better future and become fish food in the seas, deprived of all the comforts of life, the painful death wounds of their fathers, brothers and sons hidden in their chests and forced to look for a prosperous life The rulers are themselves enjoying palaces and luxury businesses abroad for their next seven generations after plundering the wealth of the country It should also be a remedy for their strict accountability.
What should be done to others with their own hands?
Other people’s fire burns in my house


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