HomeBusinessCannich Wildfires: Nature finds a way a year ahead of fire Achi-News

Cannich Wildfires: Nature finds a way a year ahead of fire Achi-News

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The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) was first alerted to the fire in the Highlands near Cannich south-west of Inverness during the afternoon of Sunday 28 May. However, it would take more than a week to put it out completely, with operations also resulting in two firefighters en route to the incident being airlifted to hospital after sustaining injuries .

Helicopters were used to waterbomb the flames and firefighters worked tirelessly to wet the surrounding land as it spread across a huge area near the village of Cannich.

The Herald: The fire has been burning for two days


The fire left moorland and local habitats blackened with ash, and would later be confirmed as the largest wildfire in Scottish history, surpassing the record-breaking fire between Melvich and Strathy Sutherland in May 2019 covered 20 square miles. The Cannich wildfire burned through 30 square miles of land.

At the time, the Royal Scottish Society for the Protection of Birds, with the affected area home to Corimoni Nature Reserve, warned that local wildlife and woodland habitat had been destroyed.

The fire had destroyed around 50% of the reserve as well as large parts of land owned by Forest and Land Scotland. It affected the homes of dozens of species including Black Grouse and Scots Grouse, as well as other wildlife such as invertebrates and Common Lizards.

At the time, Simon McLaughlin said: “At this time of year, I should be seeing young chicks emerging from their nests but now only their parents are left in the charred landscape.”

The Herald: Wildfire from left Jamie Thrower incident manager with SFRS and Simon McLaughlin of the RSPB at the

The destruction led to the RSPB launching an urgent appeal to raise funds to restore the area and to help nature find its way back.

Now, almost a year to the day since emergency services first started tackling the bushfires, RSPB bosses say the impact of recovery efforts funded by the successful appeal is being seen.

Simon Mclaughlin, Site Manager at RSPB Scotland Corrimony, said: “We were appalled by the effects of the wildfires which destroyed so much of this habitat and left decades of vital woodland restoration work undone. The generosity of our members, supporters, and partners has enabled us to begin reclaiming this incredible nature reserve.

“Situated in magnificent Caledonian heath and woodland, Corrimony is a treasure trove for any bird lover and hosts species ranging from Black Grouse, Scottish Grosbeak, and Crested Tit to the Golden Eagles in the wider Glen Affric area.

“Tragically the fire burned for days despite staff from Corrimony and nearby RSPB nature reserves, multiple fire crews, helicopter teams, nearby landowners and staff, and others working around the clock to extinguish the fire.

“But a year later and with a lot of work on the ground following, the green shoots of recovery are already starting to show.

“It has been encouraging to see the positive impact we have already been able to have, from planting new trees to rebuilding important deer fences. The support we have received from across Scotland and beyond has been vital in helping to restore Corrimony.”

Through the support of RSPB members, supporters and philanthropists, the appeal went on to raise more than £200,000, with restoration work also being supported by Barratt Homes and Trees for Life.

The funding has helped support the costs of replanting woodlands, providing deer control, and better preparing the nature reserve against the risk of wildfires in the future.

The fire came as a result of a ‘very high’ wildfire warning covering most of Scotland, which had been in place since May 26, and was later extended to June 5 2023.

Amidst the predicted high temperatures, another ‘very high’ wildfire warning was also issued by the SFRS between 7 and 10 June. In the announcement on June 7, the fire service said that the Cannich wildfire was still going on.

It was believed to have been started by a camping stove on the nearby Glen Affric and Kintail Way, but the source was not confirmed.

READ MORE: Wildfires burning for three days ‘may have been caused by wild campers’

It was later revealed that the fire had been visible from Space with NASA satellites picking up a thick plume of smoke that could be seen through the clear Scottish sky.

The Herald:

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service says that Wildfires are still a serious threat in the country, and especially in the highlands when the conditions are dry, sunny and windy. Extreme risk warnings were issued by SFRS as recently as May 11 in the Invernesshire area and large parts of northern Scotland.

Included in the warning was a video showing the intense and rapid spread of a recent wildfire in the Highland village of Glenuig in Lochaber which started during the first weekend of May this year. It spread across two miles before being extinguished by more than 30 firefighters over a two-day period.

Information on understanding bushfires, and how to prevent or report them can be found on the Scottish Fire and Rescue website, along with advice on how to protect homes and property.


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