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Buddha Purnima Special Lord Buddha Teachings for a Happy Life by Getting Rid of Sorrow – Amar Ojla Live Hindi News Achi-News

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Lord Buddha (file)
– Photo: ANI


Breaking the silence of the night, Siddhartha Gautam along with his charioteer Chana left the royal palace of Maharaja Shudhodhan and started out of the kingdom’s borders. At dawn they both reached the banks of the Anoma River. Across the river was another kingdom and a thick forest. They both crossed the river carefully. Siddhartha cut his hair with a sword and gave his sword, hair and the reins of his beloved horse Kantaka to Khana and ordered him to return.

A new journey to life for the well-being of all in the 29th year

This was the same Siddhartha Gautama, at whose birth astrologers predicted that he would be a great emperor or a great ascetic. To save him from this concession, the king gathered all the wealth in the royal palace and forbade the prince to leave. But where does such a thing happen? The prince who was once overwhelmed with compassion when he saw the people working in the fields on a hot afternoon or shot by a bird’s arrow, embarked on a new journey for the welfare of all in the 29th year of his life.

Penance and meditation on the banks of the river Niranjana

Even after learning everything in many ashrams, Gautam’s curiosity was not satisfied. After about 6 years, he started meditating and meditating on the banks of Niranjana river. After three months, five more monks joined him. One night he felt that there was no use in torturing his body like that. Woke up in the morning, bathed in the river and started traveling to Uruvela village. He fainted due to weakness on the way. At the same time, a woman named Sujata went towards the forest for worship.

When Gautam performed samadhi under the pipal tree

Seeing an unconscious monk, he put the pudding in his hand into his mouth. He gradually regained consciousness and arrived at the place of salvation in the forest. When the other five learned that Gotham had started eating and drinking, they left them. After a few days, Gautam attained samadhi under the pipal tree. After four weeks, in meditation, he gained knowledge about the sufferings of the world and their solution. From there he reached Margadaya in Sarnath of Varanasi.

Brahmacharya means not committing adultery here.

At first all five of them thought not to talk to Buddha, but the aura on his face and the confidence in his voice forced them to listen to Buddha’s words. Buddha told them about the new way, “We must know that there is suffering everywhere in the world. There is a reason for this sadness. You can remove the causes of this sorrow or suffering and ultimately the path of this removal is the eighth path. This is Saddharma. To follow this good religion, there is Need to follow the truth, non-violence, non-aggression and celibacy (celibacy here means not committing adultery).

I take refuge in the Buddha.

Addressing the monks, he said, “All sacraments are temporary. Continue to achieve your goal without any mistake.” Saying this, Gautam Buddha closed his eyes. Vishakh’s full moon spread its full moonlight across the sky and gave the message of peace. Somewhere a voice echoed in the atmosphere – Bodham Sharanam Gachachami, Dhamam Sharanam Gachachami, Sangham Sharanam Gachachami.


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