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Awaken the truth established in your conscience through the story of Satyanarayana – Dr. Girishandji Maharaj Indore: Awaken the truth established in your conscience through the story of Satyanarayan – Dr. Girishandji Maharaj – Indore News Achi-News

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The truth is Narayan. The meaning of Satyanarayan’s story is to awaken the truth established in your conscience. God can be known by any name but his form is true, everything else is false. Satyanarayan’s story is an attempt to know this truth. Whoever knows the truth


Brahmachari Dr. Girishandji Maharaj, the head of Shankaracharya Math Indore located in Dilip Nagar in Airport area, said this in his daily sermon on Thursday. Maharajshree said that Maharishi Vyas said to Satyam Param Dhimahi while reciting Bhagwat Katha. An invocation is made at the beginning of any auspicious work. That is, one whose behavior is auspicious is remembered. Here Vyasji remembered the truth. It means to say that God can be in any form, be it Krishna, Ram or Shiva, but His form is truth.

There is no truth or Narayan in today’s stories

Dr. Girishandji Maharaj said unfortunately the stories happening these days do not contain truth or Narayan. The only purpose of these stories is to spread witchcraft, superstition and serve your own interests. Public representatives want a chairman and storytellers want name and money. Because of this, people’s minds, like wandering souls, sometimes remain in the trap of this Baba and sometimes this Baba. Just so that their worldly work is done. They also do not want to understand the truth, and the narrator does not want to explain it, because they themselves do not know the nature of the truth, if they know then they should not spread superstition. Some hold court, some write prescriptions and tell magic tricks, but when trouble comes to them, they seek help from doctors, then their tricks don’t work.

There is no provision for petition in Sanatan Dharma…

Maharajshree said that those who tell everyone about the solution to problems themselves get into problems. There is no law of petition in Sanatan Dharma, instead a plea and prayer is made before God. That is why today respect and dignity and culture are gradually disappearing. Only the show remains. That is why the story of Satyanarayan is an attempt to understand the truth. One who understands this crosses the ocean of existence. Freed from worldly sorrows, he attains transcendental happiness and freed from worldly bonds, he achieves the goal for which he has taken human life. When one tries to know the truth, tries to meet God, then he faces difficult trials like Prahlad. The one who is afraid becomes unconscious and loses his way, the one who tolerates it, God makes him His. Then he does not suffer any pain, he becomes happy forever after reaching God. This is the truth.


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