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Assessment of Sdr Hospital for Certificate at National Level | Assessment of Sdr Hospital for Certificate at National Level: The inspection will be done according to the checklist, many points were discussed at the inspection meeting – Kishanganj News (Bihar) Achi-News

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Kishanganj’s Sadar Hospital will soon be inspected by a regional level team for a National Quality Assurance Certificate. On behalf of the team members, here the doctors and health workers were asked questions related to the operation and maintenance of the health facility.


Also, assessment work should be done according to the checklist for the NQAS certificate. To this end, after the target certification of Sadar Hospital, emphasis will be placed on national NQAS certification. To this end, a developmental review is also conducted in different NQAS standards every week of the month.

Also on Thursday, chaired by Deputy Superintendent of Sadar Hospital, Dr. Anwar Hussain, a review meeting was held in nine parameters, including SNCU, NRC, Blood Bank, Laboratory Service, General Administration and Auxiliary Services, Maternity.

The Deputy Superintendent of Sadar Hospital, Dr. Anwar Hussain, said that the district’s Sadar Hospital is consistently performing better in achieving goals and renewal. It will also meet the National Quality Assurance Standard (ENQUAS) standard. Preparations are ongoing. on the subject.

The patients get better facilities in the hospital

A weekly review meeting was organized regarding what kind of preparations should be made at Sadr Hospital to meet the NQUAS scale. He said that her name could be better in the facilities provided to the patients in the hospital, admin, OT, delivery room etc.

Audit meeting

The deputy superintendent at Sadar Hospital said that many things are fine at Sadar Hospital. The patients get better facilities here. However, despite this, further improvements can be made. Continuous work is being done on this. OPD, OT, work room etc are working better than before. His result is also out.

The most complex diseases are treated here. The patients of the district should not go out and knock on the doors of the private hospitals. There are facilities for cesarean section, X-ray, even dialysis for kidney patients. People from the nearby districts also take advantage of these facilities.


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