HomeBusinessApple-will-reach-the-markets-by-July-August-knows-how-it-is-preparing – News18 हिंदी Achi-News

Apple-will-reach-the-markets-by-July-August-knows-how-it-is-preparing – News18 हिंदी Achi-News

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Pankaj Singta/Shimla: Apple plays a role of Rs 5,000 crore in Himachal Pradesh economy. Shimla is an area dominated by apples and most of the apples in the country grow only in Shimla. The Middle Belt apple grown at seven thousand feet is now in the peanut stage. There are 2 stages before the apple reaches the peanut stage and after the peanut stage there are 3 more stages of the apple. In total, the apple is prepared in 6 steps. Apples of the middle belt begin to reach the markets in the month of August. Besides, apples of different heights reach the markets at different times.

Gardener Prakash Sharma told Local18 that Shimla has medium sized apples. The belt at an altitude of about five thousand to seven thousand feet is called the middle belt. At this time the apple of the medium belt has reached the stage of peanuts. This apple will start reaching the markets by August.

When does the apple reach the markets?
Gardener Prakash Sharma also said that his apple is in the medium belt, which reaches the markets in August. At the same time, apples from the lower belt reach the markets until July and apples from the high belt reach the markets in September and October. Let us tell you that the area up to five thousand feet is called low belt. The elevation of five to seven thousand feet is called the middle belt and the elevation of more than seven thousand feet is called the high belt.

In how many stages is it ready?
Apple is ready in a total of 6 steps. These include green tip, pink bud, blossom, peanut, nut, full development stage respectively. A green tip is the first stage, during which leaves begin to appear on the plants. Pink bud is the second stage, when red buds begin to appear on apple plants. The rash is the third, most important and sensitive stage. During this time the plants begin to bloom, this stage decides what the apple crop will look like. The peanut stage is the fourth stage, here the apple gets the size of a peanut. The nut stage is the fifth stage, here the size of the apple becomes as big as a walnut. The sixth and last stage is the full development stage, at this time the apple takes its full shape and the apple also begins to change color.

how long at what stage
Apple is ready in five stages. The green tip stage begins in apple plants during the months of February and March. Then, after about a month, the stage of pink buds begins to appear in the months of March and April. The flowering of the plants begins about 20 days after the stage of pink buds. After that, the apple reaches the peanut stage in about 15 to 20 days. After an interval of about 25 days the apple reaches the nut stage and finally after about a month the apple reaches the full development stage. At this point the color of the apple also starts to change along with its shape. Although in a tall variety, the color begins to appear even at the nut stage, but in normal and traditional varieties, the color of the apple only begins to appear at the last stage. This whole process takes about 5 to 6 months.

Tags: agriculture, local18


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