HomeBusinessAnganwadi worker's marksheet turned out to be fake. Anganwadi worker's mark...

Anganwadi worker’s marksheet turned out to be fake. Anganwadi worker’s mark sheet turned out to be fake: Additional Collector appointment cancelled, complainant will join in 10 days – Tikamgarh News Achi-News

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A case of fake mark sheet of class 12 for the post of Anganwadi worker has come to light in the district. Hearing the complaint on the matter, the Additional Collector has issued an order on Wednesday. In canceling the appointment made on the basis of a false mark list, the complainant


Anubha Tiwari, a resident of Jyoramora village, had applied for Anganwadi worker in the year 2023. Apart from Anubha, more than two dozen girls and women including Ritu Yadav from the village had submitted forms for this job.

After scrutinizing the documents, the selection committee selected Ritu Yadav for the post of Anganwadi worker in March 2023. On March 29, 2023, Anubha Tiwari had filed a complaint in the Court of Additional Collector against the appointment. Anubha had called for Ritu Yadav’s 12th mark sheet to be fake and demanded an inquiry into the mark list.

Based on the complaint, Additional Collector HB Sharma had formed the investigation team. The team re-verified Ritu Yadav’s documents. In which the 12th mark sheet turned fake. The inquiry report says that the 12th mark list of Ritu Yadav from the Board of Secondary Education, Uttar Pradesh is fake.

The investigation team has given instructions to take legal action against him. Apart from this, Anubha Tiwari has been ordered to issue an appointment letter for the post of Anganwadi worker within 10 days.

Mock mark sheet caught with high marks

Anubha Tiwari had said in the complaint that 94 marks in Hindi, 88 in English and 90 marks in Physics are ideal in the mark list of class 12 submitted by Ritu Yadav. If so many marks were obtained in all the three subjects, then why is there no dictation in the mark sheet. While in Biology Chemistry, dictation is given when the marks are 86 and 84. Based on this, the research team examined the mark list. In which the 12th class mark list turned out to be fake.


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