HomeBusinessAn unknown vehicle hit the bike. Unknown vehicle hits bike: Three...

An unknown vehicle hit the bike. Unknown vehicle hits bike: Three injured sent to Bhopal with 108 ambulance – Raisen News Achi-News

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Bhopal Vidisha State Highway-18: A motorcycle coming from Bhopal was hit by an unknown vehicle near Sai Mandir, Diwanganj, due to which three youths who were riding on the motorcycle were injured As soon as the information was received, Diwanganj police reached the spot and the 108 ambulance support place for the injured


According to the information, around 7:30 pm on Thursday night, Jagdish, Bhagwan Singh and Anuj, residents of Diwanganj, were returning from Bhopal, riding the same motorcycle An unidentified vehicle coming from Vidisha collided with a force near Sai Mandir from Diwanganj on Bhopal Vidisha Highway. Because of this all three were injured. Passersby alerted the police. The police have joined the search for the unknown vehicle.


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