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An exclusive conversation with socialist thinker Sachchidanand Sinha | A party like BJP also adopts progressive policies: Socialist thinker Satchidanand Sinha said – hunger today is less than before, the condition of the poor people has improved – Patna News Achi-News

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Sachchidanand Sinha, Socialist thinker

The round of accusations and counter-claims continues between the NDA and the grand alliance in the Lok Sabha elections. There is also a big problem of ordering. Leaders like Lalu Prasad, Tejashwi Yadav, Rahul Gandhi, Dipankar Bhattacharya keep saying that there is a threat to the security of the country. There are more such questions.


Bhaskar had a special conversation with the socialist thinker Sachchidanand Sinha at Manika village in Muzhari block of Muzaffarpur. At the age of 95, he spends time in the village, far from the glamor of the city. He didn’t even get married. Simplicity is his identity.

Socialist thinker Sachchidanand Sinha at his residence in Manika village in Muzaffarpur.

Question – Your age is around 95-96. There are many facilities in the city, but do you live in your village?

Answer: I stayed in the city for a long time. Lived in Mumbai for six years and Delhi for 20 years. After seeing everything I loved the village. Life in the village is better than in the city.

Question – Are there other facilities related to health in the village?

Answer- All required facilities are available. There is good air, good food. It’s a matter of your temperament. I can’t remember how many years it has been since I watched the movie.

Question – Struggling for a long time. Remains connected to the socialist movement, remains connected to the labor movement. How satisfied are you with the current situation? Did these movements achieve anything or not?

Answer – If there is satisfaction then the progress will end. We are satisfied that today’s world is much better than before. Hunger today is less than before. The situation of the poor has already improved. Confidence increased. Overall, progress has been made. The process of struggle will continue, people will continue to try to reach new heights. The progress is not as it should be, but I am satisfied with the development.

Question – did people profit from the order?

Answer-enough. Today, confidence has increased among the poor. His condition improved. I saw that the dalias of the village did not have slippers on their feet. An Englishman wrote a book about it. In today’s time no one is seen with bare feet. It seems like a huge change.

Question: How satisfied are you with the state of politics today?

Answer: I am not satisfied with it. If he was happy, he would be in the mainstream of politics. That is why they continue to take part in the struggle for change together with small groups.

Question – many people came to politics also from the movement?

Answer- Yes, you can never get rid of politics. Sometimes people say that politics is a very dirty thing. But if you want to clean up the mess, you’ll have to get your hands on it.

Question – good people don’t want to enter politics?

Answer – it’s not like that. Very good people come to politics. There are many people who want to save their hem. They don’t want to get involved in conflicts and problems in society. But society does not change with such people. The father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi tried to change the society. received the clothing of the poor in society. Without connecting to society, we cannot talk about changing it. If you want to wash off dirt, you will definitely get some mud on your hands.

Question- Lalu Prasad and Nitish Kumar dominated Bihar politics for a long time. What impact do you see from these two leaders?

Answer- The effect of Lalu Yadav was that the backward castes got power. Their self-confidence increases. However, it also has a downside. Enmity between the castes increased. But the good thing is that the security of backward castes has increased. Nitish Kumar did nothing in this regard. However, I congratulate Nitish Kumar for one thing that no one else has done more for the education and advancement of women than he has done. They brought girls from every village to schools along the way. This is a great contribution by Nitish Kumar.

Question- Did Nitish Kumar also strengthen BJP?

Answer – it’s a matter of his personal politics. There are also opportunists to save their existence. It has nothing to do with his original contribution. With the coming of BJP, the talk of women’s advancement has slowed down, but their contribution is still there.

Question- Has the current BJP also changed?

Answer: It has changed completely. We cannot solve today’s problems by living in the first and second centuries. The fantasy of Hindutva and Hinduism will never come true. If we fall into this trap, public will throw away BJP. Therefore it is necessary for his survival that he admit many things.

Question- Now BJP is also talking about Ambedkar, talking about reservation. Is she talking about giving big positions to backward leaders?

Answer: The strength of the democratic voting system is that it forces even a party like BJP to accept progressive policies.

Question- Do you think BJP is improving itself or is it a hoax?

Answer: Even if it is a stretch, BJP will have to move with the flow of society. Otherwise the public will pick it up and throw it away.

Question- BJP has been in power for a long time. How much financial strength did it provide?

Answer- There is no question of economic strength because of BJP rule. The basic aim of BJP is to promote some big capitalists. The names of the major groups are Adani-Ambani. Their goal is not to increase the common people. But the compulsion of democracy is that you cannot stay in power for long without understanding the problems of the common people. Public problems must be solved.


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