HomeBusinessAmerican aimed at Greggs hot dog buns and this glorious comeback was...

American aimed at Greggs hot dog buns and this glorious comeback was anything but spoiled Achi-News

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Haim Gregs

Is nothing sacred from the transatlantic culture war? We’re asking this after an American took aim at Greggs hot dog buns – Greggs hot dog buns – and totally got the vicious comeback they deserved.

The exchange went viral on Reddit where reflections He said: ‘Things are getting spicy…’


“Who expected a spicy Greggs sausage roll, it’s like complaining about a bland McDonald’s, otherwise it would have cost more
A smile a day

“Greg’s hot dog buns have a pretty distinct white pepper flavor, anyway. They’re not spicy but if you can’t detect that, your taste buds are damaged.’
Marous name

“McDonald’s cheeseburgers are not spicy. That’s why I demand to know why the Americans don’t use spices.’

“They stole all the spices and didn’t use them.”

‘I can’t really believe he had one, they’re nice.’
Need hardware

Just in case you were wondering…

‘Top is American, bottom is German.’

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Source Reddit reflexy Image Greggs


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