HomeBusinessAgroha morning walking accident woman dies A woman dies in an accident...

Agroha morning walking accident woman dies A woman dies in an accident in Agroha: Going out for a walk in the morning at 5 am, hit by an unknown vehicle – Agroha News Achi-News

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In Hisar district of Haryana, a woman who was out for a walk in the morning was hit by an unknown vehicle, and the woman died as a result. After receiving the information, the police reached the spot, took possession of the body and sent it for post-mortem.


According to the information, Philadevi’s wife, Satpal Dhaka, a resident of Adampur Road, Agroha, had left her house for a walk in the morning around five in the morning today, like every day. When he reached in front of BDO Agroha office, an unknown vehicle hit Phila Devi and ran away.

Passers-by sent photos and were identified

In the meantime, people passing by saw that a woman was lying in a bloody state on the side of the road. People took the photo and sent it to their group, only then the woman’s family members came to know about it and arranged an ambulance and took her to Agroha Medical College, where the doctors declared her dead.

Agroha police visited the spot, went to Agroha Medical and kept the body at Agroha Medical Mortuary for post-mortem. A post-mortem will be conducted after some time after the statement of the deceased’s family members.


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