HomeBusinessAdvisory issued on heat wave in Khargone: Collector said - adopt native...

Advisory issued on heat wave in Khargone: Collector said – adopt native methods to avoid heat wave, instructions to arrange shelter and water in OPD. Heat wave advisory issued in Khargone: Collector said – adopt local methods to avoid heat wave, instructions for shelter and water arrangement in OPD – Khargone News Achi-News

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Along with the state, an alert has also been issued in Khargone district regarding heat waves. The temperature here is about 45 degrees. In view of the scorching heat, the district administration has issued advice that people should go out in the sun only if necessary and continue to drink enough water. especially b


CMHO Dr. MS Sisodia has asked health institutions to provide sitting arrangements in OPD, shade, cold water and to provide information about sun protection to all patients for control and prevention of heat stroke. He was asked to ensure that medicines are available to treat heat waves.

A collector’s request
The Collector said there was severe heat in the Nimar area. Even in Khargone the temperature is more than 44 degrees. We want to appeal through advice to use whatever methods are available to protect yourself because of the heat. How to avoid dehydration. Having to stay in the shade. Having to walk with a cloth covered over your head. Drink as much water as possible. Look after the children too. Drink more water. Use electrolyte powder or glucose.

There should be no shortage of water and salt in the body
CMHO said that staying in strong sunlight for a long time can cause water and mineral salt deficiency in the body. Dry skin, body temperature of 40 degrees or 104 Fahrenheit, vomiting, severe headache, muscle weakness or cramps, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, nervousness, dizziness, fainting, headache are symptoms of heat stroke. Drink more water to protect it. Drink more liquid drinks like buttermilk, lassi, matcha, fruit juice.

Children, the elderly and sick people should go out less. Do not go out of the house between 12 and 4 in the afternoon. Wear soft, loose-fitting cotton clothing. Give the heat affected person more water, pana mango and jaljeera. Lie in a sheltered and cool place.


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