HomeBusinessA young man's head was severed from his body on the Riphor...

A young man’s head was severed from his body on the Riphor railway. A young man with his head shaved on the Raipur railway: he lay down on the tracks to commit suicide, was cut off from a goods train, was troubled by an illness – Raipur News Achi-News

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The young man has been identified as Nitesh Kumar Nishad (24), a resident of Prasada Kala Pingeshwar.

A young man’s head is severed from his body after being hit by a goods train at the Tilda train station in the capital Riphor. The young man himself lay down on the track to commit suicide. It was reported that the young man was mentally ill. That’s why he took this step. Today Tilda GRP


Railway Tilda GRP Superintendent Rajesh Mishra said the accident happened around 10 am. The young man has been identified as Nitesh Kumar Nishad (24), a resident of Prasada Kala Pingeshwar. It was reported that the young man arrived at the station a few minutes before the accident. Then he lay down on the tracks at platform number one. At this time no one noticed him.

The relatives of the deceased told the police that Nitsch was mentally ill.

A goods train that was coming towards Ripor broke into two parts

It is said that the young man died after being hit by a goods train. Because of this his head separated from the body. This goods train came towards Ripur via Bilaspur. After the accident, a crowd gathered at the scene. The young man’s body was then removed from the track. The policemen also took the young man’s identity card from his pocket. by which he was identified.

Tilda GRP informed the family of the deceased.

Tilda GRP informed the family of the deceased.

The young man was mentally ill

The relatives of the deceased told the police that Nitsch was mentally ill. He also underwent treatment. That’s why he was worried all the time. The police suspect that the young man may have committed suicide for this reason. Currently, GRP is taking further steps in this regard.


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