HomeBusinessA young man killed his father in Maharajpur. Father murdered for...

A young man killed his father in Maharajpur. Father murdered for beating mother in Kanpur: Father brutally beats mother for delaying cooking, angry son beats him and then strangles him to death – Kanpur News Achi-News

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Kanpur7 minutes ago

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The body of the dead was found lying under an acacia tree in the bushes behind the house on Sunday morning.

A young man killed his father in Maharajpur, Kanpur. The police investigation revealed that the father who was addicted to alcohol used to beat his wife every day. When he protested, there was also a dispute with his son. Had a fight with his wife over cooking on Saturday night. After this, the young man beat his father brutally for the first time for leaving his hands on his mother. After this he was strangled to death. The police have arrested the murderer’s son.

A father was murdered for leaving his hand on a mother


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