HomeBusinessA young businessman committed suicide on the train, his body was found...

A young businessman committed suicide on the train, his body was found in two parts A businessman committed suicide after being hit by a train: a body found in two parts on the Ambikapur-Vishrampur railway, left the house at night – Ambikapur News (Sorguja) Achi-News

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A young man’s body is cut in two on the rail

On Friday evening, a businessman committed suicide by being hit by a train on the Ambikapur-Vishrampur railway section. He has been identified as Akash Vishwakarma (21), a resident of Pondurdihari. He went out at night to the store under the pretext of going to sleep. It is suspected to be made from Jabalpur-Ambikap


A youth was killed while lying on the track near pillar number 1041/4-5 in Mahabirpur on the Ambikapur-Vishrampur railway. There was no incident on the railway until the Ambikapur-Durg train leaving Ambikapur for Durg passed by at night.

When the family members went to look, they were spotted.

On Saturday morning, the traffic pilot of the Ambikapur-Jabalpur Express traveling from Ambikapur to Jabalpur saw the body lying on the track. whose information was given to Ambikapur RPF. On information, RPF Ambikapur and Jaynagar police reached the spot.

A dead body was found lying some distance from Ambikapur station

Akash was absent from the night

Akash Vishwakarma left the house around 9.30 pm in the name of going to a nearby shop after dinner. He also switched off his mobile and left it. The family members have been looking for him since morning. When they received information that a young body was found on the railway track, the family members reached the spot and identified Akash Vishwakarma.

The reason for the suicide is unclear

Akash Vishwakarma’s father, Sunil Vishwakarma, said that even he could not understand the reason for Akash’s suicide. When he left the house he was normal. His car is also parked at home. He allegedly arrived at the station by car.

The police handed over the body to the relatives after the post-mortem. The police didn’t even find a suicide note. The police are investigating the matter


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