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A workshop organized in Kishanganj with the help of WHO. Workshop held with the assistance of the World Health Organization in Kishanj: Information given on lack of expenditure in vaccination treatment, department ready for vaccination program – Kishanj (Bihar) News Achi-News

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A one day workshop was organized in association with UNICEF and WHO under the leadership of District Immunization Officer of Tadhagach district of Kishanj, Dr. Devendra Kumar. Here detailed information is given about all vaccine resistant diseases. It is said which such diseases


Regular vaccination is necessary. This is because it has an important role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases and protecting public health. Vaccines activate our body’s immune system, making it ready to recognize and fight specific pathogens.

Vaccination is more cost-effective than treatment

This reduces the risk of contracting diseases. Civil surgeon Dr Rajesh Kumar said that when most people are vaccinated, the spread of disease in the community is limited, so-called ‘herd immunity’. It also protects those who cannot be vaccinated for some reason.

Vaccination information is given.

Vaccination information is given.

The vaccine dramatically reduced the death rate caused by many previously deadly diseases, such as polio, smallpox, and measles. Vaccination is more cost-effective than disease treatment.



Vaccines prevent diseases and thus reduce hospitalizations and medical expenses. Vaccination can provide lifelong protection for children and adults, enabling them to live longer, healthier and more productive lives.

Therefore, regular vaccination is essential for maintaining the health of the individual and the community. At the same time, the department is committed to strengthening the regular vaccination program in the district and achieving its goal by 100 percent.


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