HomeBusinessA war of words broke out between leaders. A war of...

A war of words broke out between leaders. A war of words broke out between the leaders: Rahul Gandhi said – the media is for sale… Sai replied and said – this is an attack on the fourth column – Raipur News Achi-News

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Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai has strongly objected to Congress MP Rahul Gandhi calling for extortion and selling media. In this regard, he asked the media organizations across the country whether they agree with this statement of the crown prince of the Congress? male name


Rahul said that India’s media system is no longer a media system. Simply put, the media is a system of political blackmail to make money. On this, Sai wrote in his social media that Congress leader Rahul Gandhi called the Indian media extortionate and marketable. Apart from this, Gandhi specifically insulted the country and its media by citing the example of Chhattisgarh.

Without any facts, he accused the Chhattisgarh government of giving one thousand crore rupees to the media. We condemn that too. This statement of Rahul is highly objectionable and an attack on the fourth pillar of democracy. It’s an emergency mentality. I appeal to all media organizations to take notice of this statement by Rahul.

CM told students stuck in Kyrgyzstan – no need to worry

Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai spoke on phone to Chhattisgarh students stranded in violence-hit Kyrgyzstan. He asked the students to take care of themselves and contact Chhattisgarh government if necessary. He said that Chhattisgarh and the Government of India are standing with him in this difficult situation.

Sai spoke to Vijay, a resident of Mastori in Bilaspar district and student Shivani, a resident of Janjgir, to inquire about their well-being and ask them to take care of themselves. He said that the Government of India is in constant touch with the Government of Kyrgyzstan and the Government of Chhattisgarh is also standing with you at every step.

The students were informed about the tense atmosphere there. On this CM Sai asked him to take care of himself. It is worth noting that about fifteen thousand students from India including Aisha Shireen from Pandara in Kyrgyzstan and about 70 students from Chhattisgarh are studying medical and other professions.


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