HomeBusinessA third of librarians say their 'whole service' is at risk Achi-News

A third of librarians say their ‘whole service’ is at risk Achi-News

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The latest revelations come from the interim report of “an independent research project into the value and impact of public libraries and schools in Scotland.” A total of 496 librarians completed the research survey between October 2023 and January 2024: 315 of these are from public libraries, 41 from primary schools, and the remaining 140 from secondary schools.

The authors of the report note, however, that the term ‘librarian’ refers to “any library worker” due to the large number of staff who work without a professional qualification. Less than a third of respondents from public libraries were qualified librarians, while the figures from primary and secondary schools were 14% and 70% respectively.

The main finding from the research is that a third of librarians “reported that their entire service was at risk of reduction or loss”.

The same proportion said they had recently lost “dedicated librarians and other library staff”, while more than 80% reported a “constraint on their funding and resources.”

The research also highlights the wide range of services provided by libraries. Respondents said the most popular reading activities included Bookbug sessions for children, craft sessions, reading challenges, Scottish Book Week, book clubs and cafes, and author visits.

Libraries also offer specific learning services for adults: on top of the 96% who said users can access free WiFi and computers, 64% said they provide help with skills and digital devices, 34% said they provides employability materials, and 26. % said they work with partners or the local council to provide “further community learning resources.”

The contribution towards ‘closing the attainment gap’ is also highlighted.

Marc Lambert, Chief Executive of Scottish Book Trust, said:

“Libraries are a vital lifeline for communities across Scotland. Not only do they provide free access to books in a warm and safe environment, but, as this extensive report reveals, they are also a leveling factory that sends people in a positive direction.

“There is no other public space where people can access information, fight digital poverty, learn new skills, socialize with others, express themselves creatively, and seek self-improvement, all for free. It is extremely worrying that these important institutions are at risk.”

Sean McNamara, director of the Chartered Institute of Librarians and Information Workers of Scotland (CILIPS), said:

“We welcome this report from the Scottish Book Trust and are pleased to note that it highlights the vital impact libraries have on communities by helping close the poverty attainment gap, reducing the digital divide, providing free access essential to books and resources and to be safe, accessible and reliable places.

“However, reading about the impact of over a decade of cuts within local government leading to fewer resources and staff, and concern for more on the cards, causes great and great concern.

“Our life-changing libraries and public services desperately need additional financial support and a funding model that enables their staff to look ahead and plan with greater certainty and positivity.”

A spokesman for the Scottish Government said:

“Although it is the responsibility of local authorities to provide school libraries, the Scottish Government has provided £1.85 million to projects through the School Library Improvement Fund since 2017, and £450,000 towards the Public Library Improvement Fund project.

“Any decision regarding public libraries must be considered very carefully and local authorities should work in partnership with communities to explore innovative ways of providing services.

“We believe that libraries are at the heart of Scotland’s communities. That is why we provide annual funding to the Scottish Libraries and Information Council to provide guidance and advice to libraries.

“These diverse projects exemplify the transformative power of libraries, from delivering digital inclusion to teaching about economic well-being, and can help improve the lives of people in the communities they serve.”


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