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A one and a half year old child’s hemoglobin reached 1 gram. A one and a half year old child’s hemoglobin reached 1 gram: Doctor said – Keep an eye on the child’s health at the Nutrition Rehabilitation Center – Panna News Achi-News

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Malnutrition remains a serious problem in the area. In their category many children are fighting the battle of life. Recently, a child named Manish Adivasi has been admitted to the Panna Nutrition Rehabilitation Center, who has one gram of hemoglobin left in his blood. Manish is fighting the battle of life


But Rashmi Tripathi, in charge of the Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre, wandered here and there throughout the day, organizing blood and getting 1 unit of blood transfused to the child. Because of this it is now said that the child’s condition is improving.

Dr Rashmi Tripathi checking Manish Adivasi’s file at the Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre.

blood transfusion to the child immediately

One-and-a-half-year-old Manish Adivasi of Nayepura village in Manaur Gram Panchayat, near Panna, was admitted to the Panna Nutrition Rehabilitation Center in a critical condition on May 23. His condition is serious. The staff of the Nutrition Rehabilitation Center arranged immediate treatment, Rashmi Tripathi, arranged immediate treatment and examination.

A blood test revealed that only one gram of hemoglobin remained in the malnourished Adivasi Manish’s blood. Who needed blood, but AB positive group blood was not available in the blood bank. Rashmi Tripathi in charge arranged for blood and informed the officers and doctors.

A doctor treating a malnourished child at the Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre.

A doctor treating a malnourished child at the Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre.

Anganwadi worker reached a nutrition rehabilitation center

Rashmi Tripathi said that an Anganwadi worker brought one-and-a-half-year-old Manish Adivasi to the Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre. Also his mother Jayanti is tribal. Allu’s father has gone to Delhi to work as a labourer.

Arrangements in accordance with the rules at the Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre

The Civil Surgeon Dr. Alok Gupta that the arrangements at the hospital are being made in accordance with the rules. Arrangements for food and treatment have been made at the Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre. Our effort is that Manish Adivasi should recover soon.


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