HomeBusinessA new twist in the case of the murder of shooter Sippy...

A new twist in the case of the murder of shooter Sippy Sidhu. New twist in Sippy Sidhu shooter murder case: Supreme Court bench recuses itself from hearing petition of accused – Chandigarh News Achi-News

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National level sniper Sukhmanpreet Singh alias Sippy Sidhu was murdered in Chandigarh about eight years ago. Now a new turn has come in this matter. A two-judge bench of the Supreme Court rejected the petition of Kalyani Singh, the daughter of a former judge, who was accused in the case.


A vacation bench of Justice Dipankar Dutta and Justice Satish Chandra Sharma has dismissed the case. He has said in this matter that he is not willing to listen to this case. As the accused in this is the daughter of a previous judge. At the same time, he said the matter should be listed to another vacation bench next week.

The High Court order was challenged

Petitioner Kalyani’s lawyer Sidharth Dave said he had challenged the order of the Punjab and Haryana High Court in the Supreme Court. This order was issued by the High Court on 25 April. The High Court had rejected the petition seeking witness statements recorded by the Chandigarh Police.

That is why the petition was filed

Dave said that Chandigarh Police was initially investigating the case, but later the case was transferred to CBI. Taking the investigation forward, CBI has filed a chargesheet in the court in this case. Even the payments are framed. In such a situation, he could argue the case properly, which is why he had demanded that the Chandigarh Police record witnesses.


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