HomeBusinessA new case of AES was found, the number of patients increased...

A new case of AES was found, the number of patients increased to 9. A new case of AES was found, the number of patients increased to 9: 15 children were admitted to SKMCH, one suspected patient was also found; A report will come after two days – Muzaffarpur News Achi-News

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Amidst the scorching heat in Muzaffarpur and nearby districts, cases of AES have again increased. Now after finding a new case in the district block, the number of cases in the district has increased to 9. The number of cases in skmch so far this year has increased by 1.


A new suspected AES patient is found in the District’s Farrow Block. There after first aid he was referred to SKMCH. The doctor took his sample. His report is expected to arrive within a day or two. A total of 15 children were admitted to SKMCH, including the number of children from the surrounding districts.

Civil Surgeon Dr. Ajay Kumar said that AES was confirmed in some children in the district. The children recovered and returned home. The children were admitted to PICU of SKMCH.

Get vaccinated to prevent disease

There are some precautions to prevent disease. Under this, be sure to clean your children’s hands with soap, especially after leaving the bathroom and before eating. Avoid sharing utensils and food items that have come into contact with people suffering from the disease. Be sure to get available vaccines to prevent the disease. Use creams and sprays to keep your children away from mosquitoes. Spray on children’s clothing and bare skin.

If the parents notice symptoms such as slight swelling of the children’s head, vomiting or signs of vomiting, complaints of stiffness in the body, constant crying of the child, children always sleeping, children lacking appetite, irritability, then they should take immediately. Take them to the nearest hospital and consult a doctor.


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