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A mysterious 4500 year old sun temple hidden in the desert! – News18 Kannada Achi-News

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A mysterious sun temple buried 4500 years ago has been discovered by archaeologists in the Egyptian desert. Researchers (Ancestors Rising) discovered ancient ruins at Abu Ghorab, 20 km south of Cairo, Egypt. It has been called the greatest invention in decades.

These sun temples were built to give the pharaohs of the Fifth Dynasty the status of gods while they were still alive. It is also believed to be one of the 6 Sun Temples of Egypt, with 2 others undiscovered.


Do you know why the pyramid was built?
The pyramids were built as final resting places to ensure that pharaohs would be resurrected as gods in the afterlife. More than 50 years ago, experts discovered the remains of the Sun Temple built by Pharaoh Nusere Ini, who ruled for about 30 years in the 25th century BC.

The pharaohs of the Fifth Dynasty ruled for about 150 years, from the 25th century BC to the middle of the 24th century BC.


There is evidence that it was a sun temple
Now I have many proofs that what we are digging here is one of the lost sun temples. For whom and when the Sun Temple was built remains a mystery. However, Dr Massimiliano Nuzzolo, assistant professor of Egyptology at the Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland, said it may have belonged to a ruler from the same period.

Also read: Ancestors Rise: 1500-Year-Old Sculptures In Deep Valley Of Dense Forest, Ancient Mark In Northeast States!


Read, read!
India is not the only one, News18 Kannada website brings you such unique phenomena happening in every corner of the world. All these phenomena can be linked together by your mind, and observed separately. But it cannot be ignored! Read on for a different effort you won’t find anywhere else.

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Editor’s Note
Change is the law of the world. This change will happen like this..when will it happen? how about There is no “Idam Ittham” answer to this. A matter for the discretion of nature. Sometimes natural, sometimes surprising, sometimes shocking, sometimes disinterested, sometimes just a hint the development is. This is the platform that solves the riddle of the origin. If you look closely, has such a change started all over the world? Why are many of the events happening now? Why is there an environment that is conducive to these events now? Every trekker is on a journey to find an answer to such a question. The main purpose of our Ancestors Rising article series is to bring you such rare, unimaginable events. We wish you to be a part of our journey – Raghavendra Gudi


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