HomeBusinessA man was caught before boarding a plane, such a scary thing...

A man was caught before boarding a plane, such a scary thing came out of his pants pocket – Sanjeevni Today Achi-News

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Many things are smuggled in airports. People hide gold, silver, diamonds and gems in such places that you can’t even imagine. But one man did something amazing. He hid such a thing in his pants pocket, which you can’t even imagine. However, he was caught as soon as he boarded the plane and is now being investigated by the police.

According to the New York Post report, an American resident arrived at Miami International Airport to board a flight. Even passed the security check. He was not caught anywhere. But then the security personnel received such input that their ears perked up. He ran next to the plane and grabbed that person. After being thoroughly investigated, a surprising thing was found.

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Snakes were hidden in the glasses case
This man hid a bag containing snakes in his pants. He kept the snakes in the glasses case in such a way that people did not know about it. When the security personnel saw this, they arrested him. TSA shared its photos on social media site X. They wrote, Florida officials found this bag full of snakes in a passenger’s pocket. Customs and the US police were immediately called. The snakes were turned over to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Then the snake was hidden in the carrying case
However, this is not the first time someone has tried to take a snake on a plane. In December 2022, a woman tried to bring a boa constrictor named Bartholomew into Tampa International Airport. Then he claimed it was his pet snake and always stayed with him. This snake was hidden in a carrier bag. There is no rule against taking snakes from the airport. If you want to take a pet with you, then for that you need to inform the airport authorities. So his order is made according to the rules.

Sanjivani today

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