HomeBusinessA female student semi-truck that went to training in a grade. ...

A female student semi-truck that went to training in a grade. A student who went to training in Durg was crushed by a truck: she was a 10th grade student, the police arrested the fleeing driver – durg-bhilai News Achi-News

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A female student going for training was crushed by a speeding truck in Sector 9 in Hilai in Durg district. The student died in this accident. The Bhilai Nagar police, who arrived at the scene after receiving the information, set up a route and started investigating the matter. The incident happened on Thursday evening.


According to the information, 10th grade student Ridima Sahoo (16), a resident of Akriti Risali Apartment, went to sector 10 for school fees. She reached Sector 9 Panthi Chowk. Then the truck coming from the same direction suddenly turned left. The student did not see him and went under the rear wheel of the truck.

As a result, the student died on the spot. After the accident, the driver left the truck and fled the scene. Who was later arrested. As soon as information was received about the incident, the police arrived and started investigating the matter.


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