HomeBusinessA father is accused of sexually abusing a minor. A father...

A father is accused of sexually abusing a minor. A father is accused of sexually abusing a minor daughter: he also used to beat his wife, the mother complained at the police station – Banka News Achi-News

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In Banka, the woman accused her husband of sexually abusing her young daughter. When she was happy, the husband beat his wife and injured her and ran away from the house. Regarding the incident, the mother of the girl victim said that she has three daughters and two sons. of her husband


A drug addict father sexually abused his daughter for two years

He spends half of his profits on alcohol and other intoxicants. After consuming drugs, he often abused his daughter. Due to this the eldest daughter had to be sent to her aunt’s house in Haryana. Even after that he did not improve and sexually abused the second daughter (13) for the past two years.

When she was happy, the husband and other in-laws beat her and injured her. The victim also said that since there was no solution left, she submitted a written request to the police station and complained. Superintendent of Police Pankaj Kumar Jha said that a complaint has been received from the victim and an investigation is underway.


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