HomeBusinessA dead body of a married woman in Galpur was found in...

A dead body of a married woman in Galpur was found in a suspicious condition. Now, who will become an officer’s daughter, her in-laws killed her: Blame family members of deceased in Baghalpur, body of married woman found in suspicious condition – Baghalpur News Achi-News

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In Bhagalpur, the body of a married woman was found hanging with a rope in a suspicious condition in her room. The matter is in Maksapur village in the Kahalgaon police station area. The girl’s side accuses her husband’s in-laws of the murder. It is said that the deceased is her


The deceased was married 6 months ago. Within a few days of the marriage, the husband used to harass the deceased because of some dowry items. The incident was reported to the local police. After that, the local police reached the spot and took the body of the married woman into custody and sent it to Jawaharlal Hospital for post-mortem.

At the same time, information about the incident was given to the deceased’s family members. The family members of the deceased repeatedly said that their officer daughter was killed.

relatives of the deceased.

Now which of my daughters will become a police officer? The deceased used to prepare for the inspector. On the basis of the family members of the deceased, the police started an investigation at every point. The deceased has been identified as Manish Kumari (18), daughter of Dharmand Tati, a resident of Sabur police station area. On 28 November 2023, Manisha married Ranbir Kumar, a resident of Kahalgaon police station area, according to Hindu customs. Here, after the event, the condition of the family members is bad and they are crying.


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