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A case was filed against 8 names and dozens of unknowns in the Ayush murder case. 8 named in Ayush murder case… Case against dozens of unknowns: FIR registered in case of vandalism and arson in Patna school; The family members said it was wrong, said they would contact the authorities – Patna News Achi-News

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In the Ayush murder case, the Patna police registered a case against 8 names and dozens of unknowns. The school was vandalized and set on fire in protest against the event. A case was registered in this regard.


The head of the Diha police station said that on the day of the incident, people vandalized and set fire to the school. The police even stopped the angry people from vandalizing, but no one listened. A case will be registered against the souls and dozens of unknowns and further actions will be taken. The police investigation is ongoing.

Angry people set fire to the school

Police registered a wrong FIR – family members

At the same time, the victim’s family members say that we lost our child. We were overwhelmed with grief. Why would they commit arson and vandalism? A wrong case was registered with the police. He will appeal to the superiors for a fair investigation. Many people were present at the time of the event. The investigation should be done properly. To make it clear who all were involved in this.

Her body was found in the gutter of the school

Let us tell you that five days ago, the dead body of a 4-year-old boy was found in the gutter of Tiny Tot Academy School near Bataganj in Diga Police Station area. He studied at this school. After the body was found, angry people vandalized the school campus. The building was also set on fire.

Her body was found in the gutter of the school

Her body was found in the gutter of the school

First he removed the blood stains and then he threw Ayush into the gutter.

In this case, the police arrested the school principal, his son and a teacher. The son was the principal of the school. During the police investigation, principal Veena Jha, alias Potul Jha, said that Ayush was injured while playing in the school. There was excessive bleeding. We were afraid. I told my son (school principal) Dhanraj Jha (21). Together we both first removed the blood stains and then threw Ayush into the gutter. We thought no one would know anything. we will survive

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Ayush was murdered for 8400 rupees as a fee: the uncle’s fault – the principal of the school threatened, the principal and his son were arrested

A new revelation has come to light in the murder case of 4-year-old Ayush at Tiny Tot Academy, Patna. In this murder case, the deceased’s uncle filed a case at Diga Police Station. in which he made serious allegations against the school management. He said the founder and principal of the school threatened to face consequences if the fees amounting to Rs 8400 were not paid. We promised the school management that we would pay the entire fee. But, as part of a conspiracy, the boy was murdered and thrown into the gutter. Read the full news…


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