HomeBusiness6800 kg Java Mahua and illegally brewed liquor -560 liters recovered near...

6800 kg Java Mahua and illegally brewed liquor -560 liters recovered near the cremation ground. Illegal liquor seizure: 6800 kg Java Mahua and 560 liters of illegal liquor recovered near cremation ground – Bokaro News Achi-News

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According to the instructions of the Deputy Commissioner Madam Bokaro, under the guidance of the Assistant Foreign Commissioner Bokaro and under the supervision of the Excise Inspector, with the help of the Excise District, illegal liquor under the Harla police station, near the Ranipokhar Panchayat cremation ground, on the banks of the Damodar river in Vasteji village.


During the raid, a case was registered against accused Chhotu Baranwal on the basis of relevant sections of the Excise Act. The Product Inspector, Sanjeet Dev; Sadar Sub-Inspector Krishna Prajapati, Tenughat Sub-Inspector Deepika Kumari were present in the raiding team.

What was seized?

1. Java Mahua- 6800 kg

2. Illicit Liquor -560 Liters


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