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4 children died due to drowning in Ganga in Patna. 4 brothers died due to drowning in the Ganga in Patna: all four went to bathe late in the evening, after hours of effort divers retrieved the body – Patna News Achi-News

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4 brothers died due to drowning in Ganga in Patna.

In Patna late on Sunday evening, four children of the same family died due to drowning in the Ganga. All four children went to bathe. During this period the accident happened. The incident took place at Sahanaura Ganga Ghat in NTPC police station area in Bar.


After hours of hard work, the body was removed with the help of divers. It is said that Ravi Kumar (20), a resident of Samastipur, arrived at his mother’s house in Sehanaura village. On Sunday evening, Ravi went to bathe in the river Ganga with his cousins. Meanwhile, all the children were swept away by the strong current of water.

The bodies were sent to the sub-hospital for post-mortem.

The deceased have been identified as Ravi Kumar (20), Aditya Kumar (14), Sudarshan Kumar (13) and Anuj Kumar (14). As soon as the news of death was heard, chaos reigned throughout the family. Everyone is in a bad situation crying.

NTPC station in-charge Dharmendra Kumar confirmed the incident. According to him, the bodies were sent for post-mortem at the lower hospital.


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