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300 crore budget in the largest hospital of the state. Rs 300 crore budget in state’s biggest hospital: Facilities missing, Ventilators not bought at RIMS for 4 years, patients wait for hours in ambulance – Ranchi News Achi-News

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Speaking of emergencies alone, 20 of the most critical patients arrive here every day on average.

Aman Mishra The annual budget of RIMS is Rs 300 crore. About 30% of this amount is to be spent to increase the facilities in the hospital. Being the biggest hospital in the state, it also claims to provide many facilities to the patients, but the reality is just the opposite. after 2020


But, they have to wait for hours outside the emergency. It says the bed is not empty yet, wait. Many times, patients breathing with the help of the ventilator installed in the ambulance even die on the doorstep of the hospital due to lack of treatment. But, the management of the hospital excuses itself every time by saying that there are only a limited number of ventilators. Many times, even after waiting for hours, patients are turned away saying that there are no beds available.

Many times such a situation is seen that 7 ambulances stand outside the emergency room transporting patients for more than two hours at the same time. Overall, the patients continue to receive ventilator support. The family members repeatedly ask the trolley man to bring a stretcher, but he repeatedly turns them away, saying the ventilator is not empty. The surprising thing is that most of the patients who were treated with the help of a ventilator remained in critical condition for 24 to 72 hours.

When the doctors on duty were asked about this, they said that there are also a limited number of ventilators in the ward. Patients receive treatment in them. Even serious patients admitted in an emergency cannot be removed from the ventilator. Even if they are moved to the ward, this will have to be done with a ventilator. There are more patients, so all the ventilators are full.

Hospital workers tell family members – beds are not empty yet, stay out of 104 ventilators received by PM Care, 82 are bad ventilators were last bought in the hospital with a capacity of 2100 beds in 2020 during the time of Covid. At the same time, the hospital had received 104 ventilators from PM Care. Of these, 82 are completely bad. Someone’s kit is faulty, someone’s display doesn’t work. There are about 20 ventilators in a room next to the bathroom behind Central Emergency and there are 40 to 45 ventilators in a room on the second floor of the Trauma Center. After receiving this complaint, engineers from the company came. He repaired only 22 ventilators, which are still operational in various wards.

400 ventilators are needed, but there are only 150. There are more than 30 departments in RIMS. Of these, ventilators are required in 20 departments. According to doctors, we need at least 20 beds with ventilators in each department. From this point of view, 400 ventilators are needed in 20 wards, but at the moment only 150 ventilators are working. In some departments there are only 2 and in some areas there are only 5 ventilators. Only a superspecialty and critical care ICU has 20-20 beds with ventilator support. At the same time, the ventilators brought from PM Care are kept in a closed room at RIMS. With the passage of time, they have become rusty and those machines are now completely broken.

New machines will be bought after the elections Due to a shortage of ventilation beds, patients are facing problems, what are the management doing? The number of ventilator supported beds in any hospital is limited. At the same time, if a patient is already admitted on a ventilator, it is difficult to move them to a bed with oxygen support until they come off the ventilator. At RIMS, serious patients are referred from other hospitals, and stopping referrals can solve this problem. The number of ventilators in RIMS is less than the requirement, has any initiative been taken for new purchase or not? – Requirements in terms of ventilators were requested from each department. After that the management has also started the process of buying new ventilators. The process is currently on hold due to the code of conduct. The machines will be purchased after the Lok Sabha elections. Ventilators were received from PM Care, they had some technical fault. Some fixes have been made, which are in use.


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