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Even as he battled his illness, Murphy kept filing in recent months, writing about Hamas and Christmas and interviewing Pierre Poilievre with his trademark panache

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Rex Murphy, the loquacious and voluble National Post columnist, radio host and podcaster, has died.

For decades, Murphy was part of the Canadian media and punditry scene, a regular on the public speaking circuit, and, perhaps less well known, a favorite of The Simpsons and, at least until the pandemic, when he was forced to . learn how to mix Kraft Dinner, terrible chef.

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Murphy died aged 77 after a battle with cancer.

He died just one day after his column on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s stance on Hamas atrocities on October 7 appeared on the front page of the National Post’s print edition.

“Rex could not be held back,” said Rob Roberts, editor-in-chief of the National Post. He filed what turned out to be his last column on Monday, which prompted him to voice his support for the Jewish community in Israel and Canada. It was very important to him in his last days.

“His last email to me on Tuesday: ‘Did the piece make the online edition?'” said Roberts.

Read Rex Murphy’s National Post columns

Even as he battled his illness, Murphy kept filing in recent months, writing about Hamas and Christmas and interviewing Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre with his trademark panache.

He was born in Newfoundland in 1947, before that province was even a province, to Harry and Marie Murphy, the second of five children, in Carbonear, although he grew up in the Freshwater community. He took two degrees and eventually, in 1968, went to Oxford as a Rhodes scholar, before returning home and, after bailing on a Masters in English, made by the endless need for footnotes referring to 17th century poetry, settling into a career in the media.

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Murphy, in 1981, tried to run for the federal Conservative party, although he abandoned the idea and instead went to work for the provincial Conservative leader, Frank Moore. He also ran for provincial political office twice, in 1985 and 1986, under the banner of the Newfoundland Liberal Party. He lost both times.

For 21 years, Murphy, with his distinctive Newfoundland accent, hosted Cross Country Checkup on CBC Radio, a nationwide call-in show and appeared on various other CBC programs. He was, as a Ryerson Review of Journalism writer noted in 1996, “an antithesis of … other high-profile on-air personalities, with their CBS smiles and central Canadian dialects.”

Yet, after he left CBS in 2015, the public broadcaster became a favored recipient of Murphy’s excitement, often sent from the Post’s Comment pages. But CBS was his home again and again over the decades.

He worked on Here and Now, a Newfoundland and Labrador radio show, throughout the 1970s and in Toronto, on the current affairs program Up Canada! Indeed, it may come as a surprise to his younger readers, who saw his regular tours of Justin Trudeau, to know that Murphy’s choice was prime minister Pierre Trudeau in 2004, during the biggest contest in Canada hosted by CBC.

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He joined the National Post in 2010, after his column in the Globe and Mail was cancelled. “Now that Rex Murphy has moved to the National Post, I have no right at all but to cancel my subscription … to The Globe,” wrote one reader of the Post’s letters to the editor after Murphy’s arrival.

“Rex was a Rhodes scholar who could match wits with any intellectual, but he always seemed more comfortable and much happier being around ordinary Canadians, wherever they were. Whenever he spoke and wrote, as sharp and witty as he was, you could always tell it came from a place of genuine love for Canada and its people. This nation is poorer without him,” said Kevin Libin, Postmedia executive editor, politics, and longtime editor for Murphy’s.

National Post

Reaction to Rex Murphy’s death:

“Rex Murphy was one of the most intelligent and fiercely free-thinking journalists this country has ever known. Lauren and I extend our deepest condolences to Rex’s family and loved ones.” – Former prime minister Stephen Harper

“Canada has lost an icon, a pioneer of independent, eloquent and fearless thought, and always a captivating orator who never lost his touch. I had the privilege of toasting Rex a few months ago on receiving the Game Changer Award for one of this country’s true game changers. Rex, you will be greatly missed.” – Conservative leader Pierre Polievre

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“Newfoundlanders and Labradorians mourn one of us tonight, and send condolences to his family and friends. Rex Murphy’s quick wit and command of words was unmatched, and his presence was significant – whether everyone always agreed or not.” – Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Andrew Furey

“The government and people of Alberta send our condolences and love to the family, friends, and colleagues of Rex Murphy. Canada will never have a similar voice again – as a proud Newfoundlander he championed what he believed was right for our country and was always a good and true friend to Alberta. Rest in peace, dear Rex.” – Alberta Premier Danielle Smith

“Long before I played him on 22 Minutes, he was working with my father at VOCM. There was no greater word memory in Newfoundland. And it is a knowledgeable place for wordplay. You may not always agree with what he had to say but oh, how he could say it.” – Comedian Mark Critch

“Rex Murphy, who was born in Newfoundland before he even joined Confederation, was a strong advocate for western Canada. That’s because he was a very proud Canadian who believed that every part of Canada should be treated fairly because every part of Canada makes our nation stronger.” – Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe

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“I first met Rex Murphy when we were both interviewed on television in 1978. He stole the show. We disagreed about many things, but I never lost my love and admiration for him. He loved Newfoundland and Canada and he was fearless.” – Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations Bob Rae

“B’nai Brith Canada is deeply saddened by the death of Rex Murphy, an outspoken supporter of Israel and the Jewish people. Murphy had long been one of the leading journalists in Canada. He was a television commentator, radio host, author, podcaster and columnist. His opinion pieces in the National Post were consistently well read and often controversial. He recently wrote a great piece in the Post about Israel and anti-semitism. At the top of the piece was this headline: ‘Hatred of Israel is the great moral disorder of our time.’ – Canadian Brith’s nephew

Canadian Press

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