HomeBusiness3 including 2 women were arrested from a red light area. ...

3 including 2 women were arrested from a red light area. 3 were arrested including 2 women from the Or Adom area: the police raided the house, a businessman fled; The detainees are interrogated – Gaya News Achi-News

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The police arrested two women and a man from the red light area of ​​Kotwali police station area in Gaya. Also, objectionable items were found in the room. The businessmen associated with the red light zone fled. The police are investigating the women who were caught.


It is worth noting that after a long gap the Kotwali police took action. About four years ago, at the initiative of an NGO in this field, the Kotwali police took swift action and arrested many women and customers. Since then the area has been quiet and the prostitution business has stopped. But a man who took a member of a major political party before the Lok Sabha elections was also caught from the red light zone.

All three are being investigated

The Kotwali police led by Additional SP PN Sahu swung into action late on Sunday night. According to him, after verifying the informant’s accurate information, the police raided a narrow house that was at a red light. In the raid, two women and a man were caught in an objectionable condition from the same room. The police took the three arrested accused to the police station. They are being investigated. Kotwali Inspector Ashish Mishra said raids were conducted in the red light zone. A man along with two women were arrested.


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