HomeBusiness3 European countries recognize Palestine as a state Achi-News

3 European countries recognize Palestine as a state Achi-News

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Three European countries decided on Wednesday to recognize Palestine as a state.

Formal recognition of Palestine as a state by Norway, Ireland and Spain takes effect on May 28, 2024

“In the midst of war, with tens of thousands killed and injured, we must keep alive the only alternative that offers a political solution to Israelis and Palestinians alike: Two states, living side by side side, in peace and security,” said the Prime Minister of Norway. Minister Jonas Gahr Store said.

“There will be no peace in the Middle East without a two-state solution. There cannot be a two state solution without a Palestinian state. In other words, a Palestinian state is a prerequisite for achieving peace in the Middle East,” Store added.

Recognizing Palestine “sends a strong message to other countries to follow the example of Norway and several other European countries and recognize the Palestinian state,” the prime minister said.

The Prime Minister of Ireland, Simon Harris, announced that his country officially recognizes the state of Palestine.

“This is a historic and important day for Ireland and for Palestine,” Harris told a news conference. “I am confident that further countries will join us in taking this step.”

Harris added that he had “spoken to a number of other leaders and counterparts and I am confident that further countries will join us in taking this important step in the coming weeks.”

The Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sanchez, for his part, said that his country will recognize the state of Palestine next Tuesday.

Sanchez said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is refusing to listen to the international community as he continues to bomb civilian infrastructure and block much-needed aid.

He added that recognizing Palestine “is not the end, only the beginning,” and that Spain will continue to press the international community to act.

Following the decisions of those countries, Caroline Gennez, Minister of Development Cooperation of Belgium, wrote on X: “After Norway and Spain, Belgium must also decide today to recognize the state of Palestine. I will plead for this again today, in accordance with the coalition agreement. I rely on support from all colleagues. We must not miss this historic opportunity.”

The Israeli Foreign Ministry announced that they were recalling their ambassadors from Ireland and Norway over the decision of the two countries.

Israel has continued its brutal offensive on the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023 despite a UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in the enclave.

More than 35,600 Palestinians have been killed, the overwhelming majority of whom have been women and children, and nearly 79,900 other people have been injured since last October following an attack by the Palestinian group Hamas.

More than seven months into Israel’s war, large parts of Gaza lay in ruins amid a crushing siege of food, clean water and medicine.

Israel is accused of genocide in the International Court of Justice, which has ordered it to ensure that its forces do not commit acts of genocide and take measures to guarantee that humanitarian aid is provided to civilians in Gaza.


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