HomeBusiness11 gamblers were arrested while gambling in Sarangra | 11 gamblers...

11 gamblers were arrested while gambling in Sarangra | 11 gamblers arrested while gambling in Sarngarh: Two-place raid operation by Srinava and Billigarh police stations, luxury car seized with lakhs of rupees – Sarngarh News Achi-News

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A total of 11 gambling accused were arrested from both Sarasinwa police station area and Bilagarh police station area of ​​Sarangarh district. During the raid, a luxury car with a lakh of rupees was also seized and confiscated. Action was taken against all the accused under Chhattisgarh Gambling Act.


In fact, Sarasiva police received information from an informer on Thursday that some people were gambling using cards in Hamaria village. After the information, the police caught 6 people gambling near the fence behind the house of the accused Antram Sahu at 14:00, while the rest of the gamblers fled after seeing the policemen.

Ganeshram Baghel (40), Antram Sahu (33), Lala Shriwas (33), Dineshkumar Sahu (34) District Sakti, Rajendra Jaiswal (23) District Sakti, Madan Sahu (26) These accused have been charged with moral gambling while playing. Cash worth Rs 2 lakh 9 thousand and 52 playing cards were seized from the gamblers.

Came from Sakthi district to gamble

The luxury vehicle of the accused Madan Soho, a resident of Chapura, was also seized. Came in this car from Dabra area to gamble. Since the crime was bailable and the defendant presented kosher guarantees, they were all released on bail.

Biligarh police arrested 5 people for gambling

Bilagarh police nabbed 5 accused on gambling charges while betting money at a public place near Darasiiv Darbhata village. Chhattisgarh Gambling Act was violated by seizing Rs 20 cash, Rs 200 and 52 playing cards from the possession of Bihari Lal Lahar (34), Sokhlal Lahar (28), Dinesh Kumar Sahu (39), Chandrashekhar Ratra (23), Om Prakash. Soho (26) was arrested under


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