HomeBusiness100 students of Chhattisgarh are stranded in the Central Asian country, Kyrgyzstan....

100 students of Chhattisgarh are stranded in the Central Asian country, Kyrgyzstan. 100 students from Chhattisgarh are stuck in Kyrgyzstan, a country in Central Asia: not allowed to leave the hostel, can’t turn on lights in the evening; He said- our lives were in danger, save us – Chhattisgarh News Achi-News

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More than 100 medical students from Chhattisgarh are stuck in Kyrgyzstan. The violence that started in the capital Bishkek also spread to many other countries. In such a situation, students are prohibited from leaving their hostels. The students posted a video message to let them know


However, the government there has deployed police personnel outside the hostel, and online classes are being held for the students. On the other hand, due to the video of the fight that went viral and the violence spreading there, the parents’ fear increased. They say that the Government of India and the Government of Chhattisgarh should make arrangements for the safe return of their children. Meanwhile, Dinik Bhaskar talked to the students stuck in Kyrgyzstan and their parents…

Many students, including Shivani from Janjgir-Champa in Bishkek and Vijay from Bilaspur in Osh, are stuck.

First you will know what the students trapped there say…

Shivani Tamboli, a resident of Janjgir-Champa, is an MBBS student at IHMS University, Bishkek. He said on the phone that after the conflict on May 13, local students attacked the hostel of external students. Because of this he stopped going to college. There is an atmosphere of panic all around. I am currently studying online education.

Shivani said that after the incident they refused to leave the hostel. The local management helps. He sends the food to the hostel itself. At the moment the atmosphere is a bit fine, but students are still not allowed to go out. Preparations are being made by the university administration to send everyone home.

Vijay Mandal, a historic resident of Bilaspur, is studying medicine in Osh, Kyrgyzstan. The heat of violence that spread in Bishkek reached there as well. Vijay said that on the evening of May 18, a crowd of students gathered outside the hostel. They demonstrated and created a commotion. That’s why we were scared. However, the police later removed the protesters from there. Since then the police have been deployed outside the hostel.

Aisha sent a video message from Bishkek asking the Government of India and the Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh to help her.  The situation here is very bad.

Ayesha sent a video message from Bishkek asking the Government of India and the Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh to help her. The situation here is very bad.

Ayesha Shereen Roy, a student of Gaorla from Gaorla-Pendra-Marwahi, is a third year MBBS student in Bishkek. He sent a video message to his family. In this Aisha says that the situation there is very bad. His life is in danger. They are not even allowed to leave the house.

Aisha’s father has already passed away and her mother is published in SIM. After receiving Aisha’s message, Aisha’s mother cries badly. He approached District Commissioner Leena Kamlesh Mandvi for help for Aisha.

Shivani's mother Sushma Tambula says the Indian government should help us bring the children.

Shivani’s mother Sushma Tambula says the Indian government should help us bring the children.

Parents said – we want our children to return

Shivani’s mother Sushma Tamboli cries and says we are asking the government and administration to bring back the children. The situation is such that the children there cannot remove the curtain of the hostel. Can’t peek outside the curtain. The lights in the rooms must be turned off as soon as it is evening. The daughter calls and comforts us that everything is fine, but we are afraid.

Vijay Mandel’s father, Sushant Mandel, says that these students studying in distant countries should not face any problem. Indian government embassy and Chhattisgarh government should pay attention to these students and make efforts for their safe return. After the controversy and tension, the college is closed and classes are held online.

Parents say that the situation is currently under control due to the deployment of police outside the hostel, but the university administration has started sending back the students along with the start of online classes. We have to bear all the expense for this. He has to pay 30 thousand rupees for the flight ticket. This causes financial problems.

Vijay's parents in Bilaspur said they were worried about their children's accommodation as well as their food and drink.

Vijay’s parents in Bilaspur said they were worried about their children’s accommodation as well as their food and drink.

The policeman said – talked to the parents, said – the situation is fine

On the other hand, officials say that the situation is fine in Kyrgyzstan. Janggir-Champa ADM CP Vaidya says that three-four days ago information was received about conflicts and fighting in Kyrgyzstan. The parents met and asked to bring their children. I then had a conversation with my parents. Then he said that the situation there is calm. The kids say they will come back after the exam. There is currently no such situation where there is any danger.

Indian students are in detention for 5 days

Amidst the violence, university and college administrations are taking classes online, but even this has not brought relief to students. Since May 18, all Indian students are confined to their hostels or apartments. They are not even allowed to leave the room. The students themselves do not go out out of fear.

A video of students being attacked in Kyrgyzstan goes viral.

A video of students being attacked in Kyrgyzstan goes viral.

Now you will know what happened in Kyrgyzstan…

Indian and Pakistani students were beaten on the night of May 17 in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. Local students entered hostels where Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi students were staying. According to Kyrgyzstan media, 29 students were injured in the violence. Meanwhile, the Indian Ministry of External Affairs refused to let the students out of the hostel. Also, considering the safety of the students, the embassy has issued a 24×7 emergency number 0555710041.

According to media reports, on May 13 a fight took place between Egyptian and Kyrgyz students in Bishkek, the video of which went viral on social networks. After that, local Kyrgyz students attacked Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi students. In fact, a large number of students from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh go to Kyrgyzstan to study medicine.

Where is Kyrgyzstan?

Kyrgyzstan is a country in Central Asia. It borders Kazakhstan in the northwest and north, China in the east and south, and Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in the south and west. Its distance from India is about 2300 km. Before 1991, it was once a part of the Soviet Union.

When the Soviet Union split, it became an independent country. According to a report, the majority of Kyrgyzstan’s population is tribal and they do not get along with each other. Violent clashes occur daily between the tribal communities living in northern and southern Kyrgyzstan.


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