HomeBusiness10 lakh was stolen in a burglary of a closed house in...

10 lakh was stolen in a burglary of a closed house in Purnia. Theft of Rs 10 lakh from a locked house in Purnia: Thieves entered the house by cutting the grill of the window, took away gold and silver jewellery, even a TV – Purnia News Achi-News

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Thieves entered the house by cutting the window grill.

In Purnia, fearless thieves entered a locked house and committed theft worth Rs 10 lakh. The owner of the house closed the house and went to a relative’s house to participate in the cremation ceremony. On this occasion, fearless thieves attacked his house. The thief broke into the house by cutting the window grill.


The victim has been identified as Narayan Kumar. Lives in a rental with his wife. It is originally a cave.

Things scattered in the room

They all went to a relative’s house in Madhapura.

Giving information about the incident, the victim told the owner of the house that one of his relatives died suddenly. On receiving the call, he closed the house around 8:00 pm last night and went to his relative’s house in Madhapura. Today when he arrived at his house and unlocked the main gate and entered the house. The door of the room inside the house was found open. Find all the things scattered. The lock on the closet in the room was broken. Expensive gold and silver jewellery, television and sarees worth Rs 10 lakh kept in a locker were missing. The thieves entered the house by cutting the window grill and then committed the theft.

The thieves broke the locker of the almirah and took with them jewelry worth 10 L

The thieves broke the locker of the almirah and took with them jewelry worth 10 lakhs.

The police were investigating

The Maranga local police station has been informed about this theft incident. As soon as the information was received, the Marenga station police arrived at the scene and are investigating the matter. Police are examining CCTV footage installed in nearby homes. But so far the police have not been able to get anything.


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