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Why does the body feel heavy after Holi? , Why the body feels heavy after Holi: Fried, roasted and sweet things increase the problem of gas, acidity, constipation; Detoxification is necessary for survival Achi-News

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Along with the splash of colors, many dishes like Gujiya, Thandai, Malpua, Pakodas are eaten during Holi. Because of this, problems such as feeling heavy in the stomach, constipation and gas begin to occur. To avoid this, it is very important to remove toxic elements from the body after Holi. Dietician and nutritionist Shilpa Mittal tells about easy ways to detox the body after Holi.

Increase the amount of fiber in the diet

Eating too many sweet things during Holi can increase the sugar level in the body. To avoid this, increase the amount of fiber-rich items like fruits, vegetables, salads in your diet for a few days of Holi.

green tea is beneficial

After Holi, drink green tea to remove toxins from the body. The antioxidants present in it help reduce cholesterol and inflammation.

Don’t let the body become dehydrated

Water cleanses our system and helps remove toxins from the body. Drinking water keeps the kidneys healthy and keeps the skin moist, which makes the skin look beautiful.

eat curd-khichdi

Eating fried foods and too many sweets during Holi makes the stomach feel heavy. To get rid of this problem, give the stomach rest the next day. In such a situation, eating Khichdi is very beneficial. Eating curd with khichdi gives relief from constipation and bloating.

Lemon water is the best

Eating a lot of dishes like Gujiya, Thandai, Malpua, Pakodas during Holi can cause problems like indigestion, gas, heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea, vomiting etc. To get relief from this, drink lemon water. Lemon is useful in removing toxins from the body. This improves digestion and the heaviness of the body begins to decrease. If you want to lose weight then drink lemon water every day.

increase fluids in diet

After Holi, drinking liquid things like water, lemon water, coconut water, green tea provides relief from bloating, gas and acidity. By taking a liquid diet for three days from the next day of Holi, you can easily avoid the harm caused by the food eaten during Holi. Try to drink 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day. But don’t drink cold drinks available in the market in the name of liquid, it causes more harm than good.

Go for a morning walk or exercise

Eating heavy food and having fun dancing during Holi increases fatigue and lethargy. But resting in such a position can be harmful. From the next day of Holi, go for a walk in the morning or exercise. This burns calories and toxins are removed from the body. You can keep yourself fit by walking 45 minutes in the morning or exercising every day.

You need 8 hours of sleep

On Holi day, everyone has a lot of fun and dancing. Some stay awake till late even on Holika Dahan night. In such a situation, 8 hours of sleep is very important to get rid of body fatigue. Due to lack of sleep, you will feel tired throughout the day and you will not feel like working. A good sleep removes stress and fatigue and you can start the next day with new energy.

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Little pumpkin seeds make bones strong, give strength to fight diseases, improve eyesight; also kills stomach worms

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According to Shilpa Mittal, eating pumpkin keeps weight under control and does not increase obesity. The anti-cancer properties present in pumpkin protect against cancer. Eating pumpkin eliminates stomach worms in children. Eating pumpkin is very beneficial for patients with diabetes and the heart. To read the full news click here.

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