HomeBusinessWhat is Cloud Backup and Is It Worth the Investment? Achi-News

What is Cloud Backup and Is It Worth the Investment? Achi-News

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Understanding Cloud Backup

Yes cloud backup worth the investment? First, we need to find out and understand exactly what a cloud backup is, and what can it do for you and your business? Basically, a cloud is all your company’s data and documents stored on a remote server somewhere in cyberspace.

It’s as if all your important documents are kept in suspension above your head, and you call when you need one. A staff member uploads the data to a remote server, and the user downloads it again, as needed. The whole process is simple and straightforward and requires no additional hardware, just a login and password.

Cloud is becoming more and more popular, and email providers such as Hotmail offer their clients a small amount of space in the cloud to keep important personal documents safe. This will undoubtedly be the best and safest way to protect documents in the future. Soon we will all be using the cloud to back up our data as a matter of course.

To go back to the original question; is cloud backup worth the investment. If you have a business that relies on data, then the short answer is definitely. The cloud is worth the investment and will pay for itself over and over again giving you peace of mind. Think of having access to all your important documents without needing to use fiber optic internet, instead any connection will do!

Why do I need a cloud you might ask? One can save files to the computer, and if necessary save a copy to an external disk. For personal computing saving your documents to an external drive may be sufficient for your needs. However, if you are running a business, you may have other considerations to consider.

Cloud Backup brings Efficiency

The computer hard drive may crash and so can an external drive especially if it is the old mechanical type. Solid state drives are more reliable because they have no moving parts. However, even a solid state drive could be corrupted. Accidental spills such as water, coffee or other liquids will destroy your hard drive, whether internal or external. Another scenario could be a natural disaster such as a fire at your business premises where the computer and external drives are destroyed at the same time

Cloud Backup is Secure

Losing all or some of your data can be enough to destroy your business or damage your reputation beyond repair. The safest way to protect your data is to upload it to a cloud that is kept securely on a remote server. The advantage is that your data is not backed up on the business premises, and therefore cannot be damaged by fire, flood or earthquake. Whatever may happen to your business site, your data remains secure and can be instantly downloaded whenever needed and from any location

Cloud Storage Improves Accessibility

Another obvious advantage for businesses is that the data can be recovered anywhere in the world where there is a Wi-Fi or Internet connection. The data is not limited to your office. The data can be shared between office branches and employees outside the office. What’s more, the data can be updated at a moment’s notice ensuring that the latest data is always available to all users.

In conclusion yes, the cloud is for you if you have a business that relies heavily on data recovery and storage. This is the safest way to back up important documents to ensure your business runs smoothly without interruption.


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