HomeBusinessVäderstad SeedEye - see all seeds - AgroNews Achi-News

Väderstad SeedEye – see all seeds – AgroNews Achi-News

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Setting the seeding rate, calibrating the seeding mechanism of planters or seeding complexes is a complex and responsible process, which depends on the density of the plant in the field and, accordingly, the level of the future yield. The Väderstad company offers a unique technology that makes it possible to stop pre-calibrating seeding devices, while ensuring a seeding rate with an accuracy of one seed per square meter. To do this, the computer only needs information about the desired amount of seed, which the seeding device will obviously provide. Rate control takes place with the help of special SeedEye sensors, which “count” the sowing rate down to the last seed.

Seeding rates are set using an iPad connected to Väderstad’s E-Control control system, which in turn is wirelessly connected to SeedEye sensors and speed radar. So, thanks to SeedEye, the specific sowing rate per one square meter is controlled according to the working speed.

SeedEye sensors are fitted to each seed tube of the planter. Thanks to the fact that they see and count every seed that moves through the seed tubes, we can accurately calculate how many seeds are needed.

In addition, the system warns of possible clogging of the sowing tube, any deviation from the sowing norm, which makes it possible to avoid screenings. Information about the number of seeds in the hopper and the signal for its completion are also displayed on the iPad tablet monitor, so there is no need to constantly spend time checking the availability of seed material.



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