HomeBusinessTwo criminals arrested with the US produced a gun and cartridges: a...

Two criminals arrested with the US produced a gun and cartridges: a car and a phone were seized, the police took action in Basantula Achi-News

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Achi news desk-
Bettiah’s Manuapul police station raided Basanttola and arrested two criminals with a US-made gun and eight cartridges. The police also seized a car and two phones from the miscreants. Sadar SDPO-1 Vivek Deep said that on Friday night, Superintendent of Police Naresh Kumar received information that several People who were traveling in a black car were firing in the air at Jokha. On receiving the information, the police station chief went on a patrol and ordered Inspector Sathindra Kumar to take action. When an attempt was made to stop the car after it reached Basantola, the people started driving away. After that, two people were caught with the help of force. When both were searched, a gun and five cartridges kept in a magazine were found from Jukha resident Papo Mishra. Three cartridges and two mobile phones were recovered from Ansari Muslim, a resident of Harpatia Moshiri Tula. The gun had Made in USA written on it. Both are currently under arrest and being questioned.


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