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The worsening situation of minorities in South Asia highlighted at the UNHRC Achi-News

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An event was held to draw attention to the worsening situation of minorities in South Asia, especially in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva where activists criticized the policies followed by the Pakistani government.

The side event held on Friday, 22 March, was organized by the NEP-JKGBL (National Equality Party of Jammu Kashmir, Gilgit Baltistan and Ladakh) and was attended by various activists.

The panelists were Professor Nicolas Levrat, special rapporteur on minority issues; Konstantin Bogdanos, journalist and former member of the Greek Parliament, according to a press release from the organizers.

Tsenge Tsering (Search); Humphrey Hawksley, British journalist and author and expert on South Asian affairs; and Sajjad Raja, the founder chairman of the NEP-JKGBL was also on the panel. Joseph Chongsi from the Center for Human Rights and Peace Advocacy was the moderator.

The side event focused on the situation of minorities in Pakistan, particularly in the Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan regions, the press release said.


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