HomeBusinessThe star cast of 'Raja Salhash' has arrived at Darbhanga. 'Raja...

The star cast of ‘Raja Salhash’ has arrived at Darbhanga. ‘Raja Salhas’ Star Cast Hits Darbhanga: Watch Movie With Audience, Appreciated, Released In Mumbai And Delhi Multiplexes – Darbhanga News Achi-News

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Darbhanga4 hours ago

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People gathered to watch the movie

The star cast of the pure Maithili film Raja Salesh arrived at Rajneesh Sahil Multiplex (Light House) in Darbanga on Sunday. Where the film director Santosh Badal, producer Dr. CM Jha, actor Priyaranjan and the actors associated with the film met the audience and watched the film with them and received their greetings. Today, an unexpected crowd of viewers gathered at Darbhanga Light House to watch the film. The audience took many selfies with The film crew The entire cinema hall echoed with the cheers of the crowd that brought Dholak, Manar, etc.

During this, the director of the film Santosh while talking to journalists


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